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Office of Health and Safety


The Office of Health and Safety establishes worker safety and health requirements and expectations for the Department to ensure protection of workers from the hazards associated with Department operations. The Office conducts health studies to determine worker and public health effects from exposure to hazardous materials associated with Department operations and supports international health studies and programs. It implements medical surveillance and screening programs for current and former workers and supports the Department of Labor in the implementation of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA).  Additionally, the Office provides assistance to Headquarters and field elements in implementation of policy, encouraging excellence in safety and health programs, and resolving worker safety and health issues.


  • Promulgates Rules and Directives to establish Departmental expectations for Radiological and Contractor Drug Testing and Contractor Employee Assistance Programs.
  • Assures that the Office implements an integrated approach to customer and stakeholder needs in the development and maintenance of worker safety and health policy and assisting Headquarters and field elements in implementation and resolving cross cutting issues.
  • Maintains effective liaison with line managers, Field and Site Offices, contractors through EFCOG and other offices within the Office of the Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety and Security and external organizations to identify issues and concerns related to worker safety and health policy.
  • Manages activities to develop, promulgate, and maintain worker safety and health policy.
  • Maintains liaison with regulatory agencies with respect to worker safety and health matters.
  • Provides recommendations to the Associate Under Secretary regarding approval of requests for planned special exposures in accordance with 10 CFR 835.204.
  • Provides recommendations to the Associate Under Secretary regarding approval of alternative individual dosimetry monitoring in accordance with 10 CFR 835.402.
  • Provides recommendations to the Associate Under Secretary regarding requests for exemptions to requirements of 10 CFR 835.
  • Provides recommendations to the Associate Under Secretary regarding approval or denial or variances to 10 CFR 851.
  • Serves as the AU Agent for the Federal Technical Capability Panel.
  • Serves as the Department’s Co-Champion for the Integrated Safety Management Council.