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Former Worker Medical Screening Program Implementation

Program implementation focuses on four specific activities, which are:

Outreach: Identify and notify eligible DOE workers about FWP medical screening services.

Medical Screening: Provide medical screening exams that are designed to check for health conditions related to occupational exposures to former workers who choose to participate in the program, including a re-screen exam every three years.

Communicating Results: Provide exam results to participants, as well as information regarding any conditions that may require follow-up medical care with their personal physicians or specialists, and provide information regarding possible compensation for work-related illnesses. Follow-up care is not covered by the program.

Protecting Participant Personally Identifiable Information/Protected Health Information

Sharing De-identified Data: Use the collected information to implement new strategies for worker safety and health at DOE sites and to inform researchers while still protecting sensitive participant information and confidentiality.