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  • ASTM number means A53, D4000, G88, etc.
  • Type "austenitic steel" with quotes to get exact match.

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Annual Book of ASTM Standards
80 Volumes, including ASTM's 12,000+ standards.
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Select standards taken from the ASTM Annual Book of Standards in a particular industry such as metals, petroleum, building codes, plastics and more.
Compilations of Standards
Standards in a particular industry from ASTM and other organizations compiled into print and DVD.
Standards Adjuncts
Data or material that supplement and support a standard but, due to their size, volume, physical makeup, or nature, is not included in the text of a standard.
Research Reports
Report of resources used in the interlaboratory study to support the precision and bias statement of a test method, such as participating laboratories, description of samples, laboratory instructions, equipment used, and raw data.
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