Sampling Stations Page

Site Description
Station Information
Category: Perturbed Continental
Status: Operational June, 2006
Altitude Range: 400 - 4800 m asl
Links: Profile Plots
Photos: Cessna-206 pictures


It is well known that unlike the major long-lived gases, aerosols are not distributed uniformly in the atmosphere. Regions downwind of major particulate sources such as deserts, biomass burning areas and large cities often have heavy atmospheric aerosol burdens while other areas in cleaner regions have relatively low aerosol loadings. The composition and size distribution of these particles, and thus their optical properties, vary widely from place to place and over time. The atmospheric lifetime of particles in the atmosphere and its dependence on factors such as rainfall, clouds, and other scavenging processes plays a major role in this inhomogeneity. In order to estimate global aerosol radiative forcing and the effects of aerosols on the global climate, measurements of the aerosols are being made by GMD scientists at many locations. Many major surface regions remain undersampled, however, and very few long term measurement efforts have been made above the surface.

The NOAA Office of Global Programs has recently funded a new program conceived by the GMD Aerosol Group to conduct regular long-term aircraft measurements over the United States. Aerosol optical, microphysical, and chemical properties are being measured on this aircraft, as well as carbon cycle gases and ozone. The airplane is based at Champaign, IL, so that regular vertical profiles over the GMD Bondville surface station can be obtained.

Objectives and Approach

The primary objective of this program is to obtain a statistically-significant data set of the vertical distribution of aerosol properties and to relate these properties to those measured by similar or identical instruments at the surface. The measurements will be made by flying a light aircraft (Cessna Turbo 206) over a heavily instrumented surface site Bondville, IL (BND) and utilizing an airborne instrument package to measure aerosol optical, microphysical, and chemical properties similar to that employed at GMD's surface sites. The AAO aircraft will fly level legs at altitudes between 1500 ft and 15000 ft above sea level (400 m - 4800 m asl) several times per week. The measurements taken aboard the AAO aircraft will be used to answer the following scientific questions:

A secondary objective of the project is to participate in the calibration and validation of aerosol remote sensing data and retrieval algorithms used by several satellites, including the "A-Train" Aqua and Calipso satellites and the TERRA satellite. This will be accomplished by coordination of aircraft activities with satellite overflights and generation of value-added products for comparison with the lidar and column-average sunphotometer data. The aspect of the project is of mutual interest to satellite researchers and GMD aerosol scientists. The satellite measurements require "air truth" in situ measurements to identify and constrain systematic errors in the retrievals of aerosol physical properties. Improvements in these algorithms will improve the quality of height dependent information from CALIPSO and other backscatter lidars. The primary mission of the NOAA Airborne Aerosol Observatory (AAO) project is to characterize the radiative properties of aerosols for evaluation of climate forcing. By moving the profile location to a major urban area for periods of time, NOAA scientists get to sample different aerosols and different synoptic scale meteorology than are present at the AAO's central Illinois base of operations. Ferry flights to and from these different profile locations also will provide a wealth of information about aerosols over the eastern US..

AAO Aerosol Properties Plots

Statistical Summary Plots - Multi-year record of final aerosol and atmospheric property data.

Do not quote or cite.

Atmospheric Properties

These plots are designed to provide a quick look at the measured aerosol properties. They display raw unedited data, but known corrections for instrument errors have been applied.

Short-Term Status Plots (last 48 hours) Long-Term Averaged Plots (hourly averages, last 30 days)
Extensive Parameter Summary Plot Not AvailableExtensive Parameter Summary Plot Not Available
Spectral Coefficients Plot Not AvailableSpectral Coefficients Plot Not Available
Spectral Coefficients (Humidified) Plot Not AvailableSpectral Coefficients (Humidified) Plot Not Available
Intensive Parameter Summary Plot Not AvailableIntensive Parameter Summary Plot Not Available
Intensive Parameter Summary (Humidified) Plot Not AvailableIntensive Parameter Summary (Humidified) Plot Not Available
f(RH) Plot Not Availablef(RH) Plot Not Available
CCN Fit Parameters Plot Not AvailableCCN Fit Parameters Plot Not Available
Wind Speed and Direction Plot Not AvailableWind Speed and Direction Plot Not Available
CNC Status/Flows Plot Not AvailableCNC Status/Flows Plot Not Available
CCN Status Plot Not AvailableCCN Status Plot Not Available
PSAP Status Plot Not AvailablePSAP Status Plot Not Available
CLAP Absorption Plot Not AvailableCLAP Absorption Plot Not Available
CLAP Status Plot Not AvailableCLAP Status Plot Not Available
Nephelometer Background Reference Plot Not AvailableNephelometer Background Reference Plot Not Available
Nephelometer Background Reference (Humidified) Plot Not AvailableNephelometer Background Reference (Humidified) Plot Not Available
Nephelometer Status Plot Not AvailableNephelometer Status Plot Not Available
Nephelometer Status (Humidified) Plot Not AvailableNephelometer Status (Humidified) Plot Not Available
Flows Plot Not AvailableFlows Plot Not Available
Pressures Plot Not AvailablePressures Plot Not Available
Temperature, Humidity and Dew Point Plot Not AvailableTemperature, Humidity and Dew Point Plot Not Available
Filter Status Plot Not AvailableFilter Status Plot Not Available
uMAC Status Plot Not AvailableuMAC Status Plot Not Available
Aethalometer EBC Plot Not AvailableAethalometer EBC Plot Not Available
Aethalometer Status Plot Not AvailableAethalometer Status Plot Not Available

Summary Status Plots

One Year Summary Status Plots Time Series (Entire Record) Summary Status Plots
Nephelometer Status Plot Not AvailableNephelometer Status Plot Not Available
Wet Nephelometer Status Plot Not AvailableWet Nephelometer Status Plot Not Available