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Pest Management

Pest Management Planning

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to pest control that combines the use of prevention, avoidance, monitoring and suppression strategies to maintain pest populations below economically damaging levels, to minimize pest resistance, and to minimize harmful effects of pest control on human health and environmental resources.


NRCS - National Pest Management Policy


Windows Pesticide Screening Tool (WIN-PST)

Supporting Documentation and Procedures for Maryland

The following documents for Integrated Pest Management can be found in Section IV of the Electronic Field Office Technical Guide

595 Maryland Integrated Pest Management Conservation Practice Standard
595 Maryland Pest Management Plan Checklist
595 Maryland Pest Management Statement of Work
595 Maryland Pest Management Practice Implementation Scouting Report

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Excel.

Document Title Document
Pest Management Plan Template - is designed for the user to enter data and information about a customers pest management program, record the resource concerns, and record the planned mitigation techniques. The template then uses that data to prepare the Plan Report. (XLS; 759 KB)

NOTE: when document opens click yes enable macros and click no update links
Example - an example of information entered in the pest management template to produce the pest management plan. (PDF; 2.76 MB) PDF
Pest Management Planning - a presentation based on the 595 Maryland Pest Management Conservation Practice Standard (PDF; 2 MB) PDF

Technical Assistance

TechReg - NRCS's online tool for Technical Service Providers to register, become certified, and manage their TSP profiles.

TechReg also helps landowners locate and choose certified registered technical service providers who can help them meet their conservation goals.

Financial Assistance

There is financial assistance available for producers that go beyond the minimum requirements of the 595 Maryland Pest Management Conservation Practice Standard under Maryland's Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). A multi-level system of incentives is offered to producers who do a better job of reducing pesticide usage, reducing pesticide effects on the environment and using more environmentally free pesticides.

Additional Resources

Pesticide Applicator Checklist
Disposal of Pesticide Containers
Pesticide Information Telephone Numbers
How to Read a Pesticide Label
Pesticide Safe Use Checklist
Record Keeping Requirements for Private and Commercial Applicators
Handling Pesticide Spills


Christy Brown
Conservation Agronomist
Phone: 443-482-2936

Patricia Engler
State Resource Conservationist
Phone: 443-482-2929