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Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation - Version 2 (RUSLE2)

The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation - Version 2 (RUSLE2) was developed primarily to guide conservation planning, inventory erosion rates and estimate sediment delivery. Values computed by RUSLE2 are supported by accepted scientific knowledge and technical judgment, are consistent with sound principles of conservation planning, and result in good conservation plans.

Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning

Resources and references to help develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP). These plans document the practices and strategies adopted by the land owner or operator to address the natural resource concerns related to soil erosion, water quality, utilization of manure, and disposal of organic by-products.

Pest Management Planning

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to pest control that combines the use of prevention, avoidance, monitoring and suppression strategies to maintain pest populations below economically damaging levels, minimize pest resistance, and minimize harmful effects of pest control on human health and environmental resources.

Nutrient Management Planning

Nutrient Management Planning manages the amount, form, placement, timing and application of animal manure, commercial fertilizer, biosolids, and other plant nutrients used in the production of agricultural products to prevent pollution, maintain soil productivity, and achieve realistic yield goals.


Christy Brown
Conservation Agronomist
Phone: 443-482-2936

Patricia Engler
State Resource Conservationist
Phone: 443-482-2929