Bay Journal

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Perdue turns to composting to get more poultry waste off farm fields

Perdue Farms, one of the nation’s leading poultry producers, is adding a new product to its increasingly varied lineup: compost.

Through its AgriBusiness offshoot, the family-owned corporation based in Salisbury, MD, has begun converting organic wastes from its chicken processing plants and hatchery into fertilizer at a $12 million plant recently finished in neighboring Delaware.

Company officials say the new 15-acre facility, called AgriSoil, is expected before long to begin handling poultry litter – a mix of manure and wood shavings. That could offer Perdue’s many contract growers on the Delmarva Peninsula a new option for dealing with tightening regulatory restrictions on the traditional practice of spreading the manure from chicken houses on crop fields. 

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Bay’s elusive bobcats are more likely to be heard than seen

Few Americans have seen the shy and elusive bobcat (Lynx rufus). And yours truly is no exception. Though the most widely distributed wild cat in North America, the bobcat is not commonly seen as it is mostly nocturnal and...
Kathy Reshetiloff | Bay Naturalist 01/13/17

Did acceleration of building ditches dig the grave for Blackwater’s marshes?

“Don’t stand up while we’re moving. If we come to a sudden stop, we could lose you.” Ray Paterra, visitor services manager of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, had just given us lifejackets,...
Phillip Hesser | Forum 01/10/17

Spot waterfowl from a warm car at Merkle sanctuary

Nothing says winter like a V-shaped formation of Canada geese winging across a steely sky, their honking carried on a chilly breeze. Cold weather brings tens of thousands of geese, migratory ducks and other waterfowl to the...
Timothy B. Wheeler | Bay Journeys Article 01/18/17
Chesapeake College’s new Agriculture AAS is a two-year degree debuting in Fall 2016.
Wholesale reclamation and wetland seed supplier.
A Documentary Inspired by William W. Warner’s 1976 Exploration of Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay.

Chesapeake Bay Week on MPT

The Bay Journal is a partner in the second Chesapeake Bay Summit, a discussion about key issues in the Bay restoration hosted by Maryland Public Television during Chesapeake Bay Week. This year, the Summit aired on April 27 and focused on the challenges of growth and development. Watch it here, and read the following articles related to the 2015 Summit:

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