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Assessing and Managing Chemicals under TSCA

Introduction to ChemView

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To improve chemical safety and provide more streamlined access to information on chemicals, EPA has built and is populating a new database. This new database, named ChemView, greatly improves access to health and safety data on chemicals regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). It contains information EPA receives and develops about chemicals including those on EPA’s Safer Chemical Ingredient List.

ChemView is part of EPA's commitment to strengthen its chemicals management programs by improving access to and the usefulness of chemical information. The goal is for people to easily get information they need to make safe chemical choices. It can help businesses, individuals and others make more informed decisions about the chemicals they use.

When using Chem View, if you do not receive results for a particular chemical, it does not mean EPA does not have information on that chemical; the data may not be posted yet but will be available in the future as EPA continues to populate the database. It does not contain any Confidential Business Information (CBI).

What’s in ChemView Right Now?

EPA is populating the ChemView database in phases, and it currently contains information on 12,000 chemicals.

ChemView’s enhanced data functions include: improving the display and content for the Chemical Data Reporting information, adding a new link that displays the pollution prevention information generated as part of the Toxics Release Inventory program, and an administrative tool that will save EPA resources by streamlining the loading of future information. ChemView now links to useful chemical information from other federal agencies and programs as part of the Other Sources tab.

ChemView provides key information in a layered summary format and provides links to underlying studies or other source documents. At this time, users can find information organized in templates for the following:

Data Submitted to EPA

  • Test rule and voluntary data for 178 chemicals
  • TSCA §8(e) substantial risk notices for 2,400 chemicals, which include 600 submissions with fully templated data details
  • TSCA §8(d) health and safety studies submitted under TSCA for 140 chemicals
  • High Production Volume Information System voluntary submissions for 1,513 chemicals

EPA Assessments

  • Hazard Characterizations for 1,018 chemicals
  • Design for the Environment Alternatives Assessments for 48 Chemicals
  • Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Assessments for 546 chemicals
  • Design for the Environment List of Safer Chemical Ingredients for 659 chemicals

EPA Actions

  • Significant New Use Rules for over 1,900 chemicals, representing actions on new chemicals and existing chemicals from 2000-present.
  • Consent Orders for 245 chemicals. (Consent Orders represent the outcome of EPA's review of a premanufacture notice (PMN) for a new chemical substance where an order under TSCA §5(e) is issued  
  • A current list of all the chemicals subject to TSCA §12(b) export notification requirements is available, including the TSCA section 12(b) notification name, related regulatory CFR citation, and related TSCA Inventory name (if applicable). In addition, users will find a subset of over 2,800 chemicals which have additional information available in ChemView from across program offices. 

Manufacturing, Processing, Use, and Release Data

  • Chemical Data Reporting for 7,235 chemicals is presented in a more user-friendly format for ChemView
  • Toxics Release Inventory data for 609 chemicals
  • Pollution Prevention (P2) information for 347 TRI chemicals

Features and Search Capabilities


  • Easy access to thousands of documents, including hazard characterizations, alternative assessments, test data submitted to EPA, and TSCA regulatory actions
  • Summary information with links to more detailed information, e.g., the submitted study or Federal Register notice array
  • Chemical synonyms with auto-fill to power the search engine

ChemView enables an increased number on search parameters, including:

  • A range of chemical identifiers, including CAS, Accession, or PMN numbers
  • Individual or multiple chemicals (by chemical name or CAS number)
  • Endpoint (health or environmental effect)
  • Functional Use and Use categories for Significant New Use Rules (SNURs)
  • Chemical Category
  • Chemical Group (Work Plan chemicals, Safer Chemical Ingredients List, or chemicals subject under TSCA §12(b) export notification requirements)

For one or multiple chemicals, users can select the type of information they wish to obtain including:

  • Data Submitted to EPA
  • EPA Assessments
  • EPA Actions
  • Manufacturing, Processing, Use and Release Data

ChemView can be used to:

  • Tailor a search by using various combinations from the criteria listed above
  • Identify chemicals by searching for certain health effects (endpoints)
  • Compare data for multiple chemicals
  • Identify specific actions EPA has taken on the chemical
  • Export data for additional analysis
  • Identify and view documents on safer chemical ingredients
  • Identify and view TSCA-related information
  • Obtain source documents
  • Identify and view information provided by the EPA and other federal organizations

Other Sources tab

ChemView’s expands its search capabilities to include the Other Sources tab.  The public is able to gain access simultaneously to searches of reports and dataset information provided by other federal organizations via ChemView.  This expanded search allows users to view, compare, and analyze multiple source chemical data, increasing safer chemical decisionmaking.  Other Sources currently holds datasets from six federal government related data portals, including:

  • NIH’s ChemIDPlus
  • OSHA’s Occupational Chemical Database
  • PubChem
  • NIH’s Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS)
  • EPA’s TRI Pollution Prevention activity search tool
  • EPA’s ECOTOX knowledgebase

Your Feedback and Questions

EPA continues to develop and enhance the system with new features, functionality and information.  EPA appreciates feedback from the user community on the types of information and design that would be useful in their searches and analyziz of chemical information.  

Give us your comments on how to improve the functionality, content and appearance of ChemView.

EPA's ChemView web tool is not associated with ChemViews, the online magazine of ChemPubSoc Europe.