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HUD   >   Programs of HUD   >   CDBG - Rural Innovation Fund
Community Development Block Grants (Rural Innovation Fund)

Grants to meet rural communities' housing and economic development needs.

Nature of Program: RIF provides for capacity building at the state and local level for rural housing and economic development, and the program supports innovative housing and economic development activities in rural areas.

Applicant Eligibility: Local rural nonprofit organizations, community development corporations (CDCs), federally recognized Indian tribes, state housing finance agencies (HFAs), and state economic development and/or community development agencies.

Legal Authority: Funds made available under this program are awarded competitively on an annual basis through a selection process conducted by HUD. The Rural Innovation Fund is authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 (Public Law 111-117).

Administering Office: Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development in the Office of Community Planning and Development, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410-7000.

Information Sources: Administering office. On the Web

Current Status: Active.