Council on Financial Assistance Reform

The COFAR, established by OMB Memorandum M-12-01, is comprised of an interagency group of Executive Branch officials to coordinate financial assistance. Council activities include providing recommendations to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on policies and actions necessary to effectively deliver, oversee, and report on grants and cooperative agreements, as well as sharing with executive departments and agencies (agencies) best practices and innovative ideas for transforming the delivery of this assistance. In addition, the Council will engage relevant stakeholders across Government on key issues to foster more efficient and effective Federal management by coordinating the development and implementation of standardized business processes, data standards, metrics, and information technology. This Council replaces two Federal boards – the Grants Policy Council and the Grants Executive Board to create a more streamlined, flexible, and strategic structure. The Council’s work builds in part on grants streamlining activities under Public Law (P.L.) 106-107, the Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999. COFAR and CFOC efforts are supported partly by the Financial Management Line of Business.

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Agency Members

The membership of the Council on Financial Assistance Reform consists of the: Controller of the Office of Management and Budget and senior policy officials from eight Federal agencies that provide the largest amounts of financial grants assistance and one additional agency that serves a two-year term to represent the perspective of other agencies that administer grants and cooperative agreements:

Two-year Term Agency