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Conservation Planning

Conservation planning addresses soil, water, plants, animals, energy, and human resources




A Conservation Plan is the First Step

The development and implementation a conservation plan ensures that the land’s unique natural resources are managed in the best possible way, while maintaining sustainability and productivity.

After soil, water, air, plant, animal, human, and energy resource considerations are inventoried and evaluated, an NRCS Certified Conservation Planner will suggest several options that a landowner or land manager can select from to include in their conservation plan, selecting the best combination of Conservation Practices to meet both natural resource needs and his or her individual land management goals, even if they change.Web image: Photo of an NRCS Web image: Photo of an NRCS representative meeting with a landower to d

If conservation practices are already being used on the land, these will also be evaluated and may be included as part of the plan. If improvements are suggested, they can become part of the plan too. The conservation plan will serve as a complete record of the decisions made, with an implementation schedule that fits the landowner's timetable and resources.

Many conservation practices can be implemented with financial assistance available from a variety of Conservation Programs. Having an active conservation plan may help a landowner qualify for this assistance. If compliance with environmental regulations is a concern, a conservation plan may be able to help.

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To learn more about conservation planning, financial assistance, or to request a visit by an NRCS Certified Conservation Planner, contact your local NRCS office. Remember, conservation planning is provided free of charge.

Additional Information

Conservation Programs
Conservation Practices for New York
Conservation Practices Photo Gallery