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About Us

A NRCS representative meets with a landowner to review his conservation plan.Inspired by a shared passion for conservation, NRCS collaborates with farmers, ranchers, communities, and other individuals and groups to protect natural resources on private lands.

Working side-by-side with these customers, we identify natural resource concerns, such as water quality and quantity issues, soil erosion, air quality, wetlands and wildlife habitat, and develop unique conservation plans for restoring and protecting resources. Funds to implement these plans are made available in Farm Bill programs that share the cost of conservation for the benefit of the farm, the watershed, and the community. Conservation easement programs, also in the Farm Bill, provide long-term options. NRCS helps New York and the Nation balance economic goals with the needs of the environment – ensuring sustainable productive lands supply food, fiber, forest products, and energy for all citizens.

Our Partners

NRCS collaborates with many partners to set conservation goals, to provide the maximum technical assistance to people who work the land, and to leverage the federal contributions to natural resource conservation on private lands. These partners include:

  • Conservation districts
  • County governments
  • State and other federal agencies
  • NRCS Earth Team volunteers
  • Agricultural and environmental groups
  • Professional societies

New York Association of Conservation DistrictsCounty based Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) in New York have an integral role in achieving natural resource conservation success in the state. In some aspects, the SWCD’s help extend the NRCS mission by helping to monitor how the land is being used and keep us informed of potential and real problems impacting natural resource use.

The New York State Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) is an advisory group coordinated by the State Conservationist to help organize and deliver Farm Bill related program benefits. General meetings of the STAC are scheduled four times each year or announced for special program activities. Membership on the committee is open to representatives of private organizations and businesses, state and federal agencies, and individuals who are knowledgeable or have expertise in natural resource conservation.

Hugh Hammond Bennett overlooking a contour stripcropping system.

Natural Resources Conservation Service History

The NRCS History Web page presents links to historical publications and articles about the roots of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), the formation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) and their partnership with SCS, and the people responsible for the early twentieth century conservation movement in the United States.

Special Emphasis Programs