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NRCS Employees with Job Approval Authority support agency programs and activities by providing solutions to natural resource problems. Our goal is to provide an appropriate blend of structural and biological measures to solve these problems in harmony with nature while meeting land use objectives.

We work in partnership with local Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD), other State agencies, and private sector Technical Service Providers (TSP) to provide this assistance to private land users and local project sponsors.

We have included many of our frequently requested technical materials here in order to make them more available to the public and our field staff.

DamWatch®  New!

One of many floodwater control dams in New York State

DamWatch® is a new dam monitoring tool that will soon be available for watershed project sponsors and the Natural Resources Conservation Service to monitor flood control dams. Local watershed project sponsors have constructed 11,800 flood control dams across the Nation with NRCS assistance.

As these dams age and homes, businesses, and highways are constructed downstream, it becomes increasingly important to use all possible means to monitor and manage the dams to ensure they function as they were designed and that they remain safe.

To assist project sponsors in this monitoring effort NRCS has entered into an agreement with US Engineering Solutions Corporation (USES) to provide a web-based monitoring tool named DamWatch® for NRCS-assisted project dams. Learn more about DamWatch.

Design Tools for Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Projects

Download tools to assist in the design and documentation of Emergency Watershed Protection projects.

Photo of an engineer documenting damage caused by flooding

Permitting Requirements for Implementation of Agricultural Best Management Practices

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Before commencing construction activity, the owner or operator of a construction project that will involve soil disturbance of one or more acres must obtain coverage under the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), Division of Water, has published a list showing which Agricultural Best Management Practices require one or both of the following.

  • General Permit for Stormwater Discharges during Construction Activities
  • Proper Sediment and Erosion Control Practices during Construction Activities

A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) sediment and erosion Notice of Intent (NOI) will be required for Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) sites greater than one acre.

Visit the Department of Environmental Conservation Web site to view the list and obtain additional information about the permit process.

Engineering Tools for Conservation Practices

Engineering Tools

  • Animal Waste Management Software Training Video - Cornell University Cooperative Extension
  • Cost Estimating
  • Estimating Runoff
  • Flood Frequency Analysis
  • Guidelines for Selecting Corrosion-Resistant Fasteners for Use with Preservative-Treated Wood
  • New York Cost Estimator
  • New York Drainage Guide
  • New York HecRAS Manual
  • Precipitation Frequency Analysis for New York and the New England States
  • Vegetative Treatment Area Sizing for New York State

Engineering Field Handbook, Part Two (EFH-2)

Storm Distribution Regions Map
Storm Distribution Regions
Statewide county splits
Sub-county Rainfall Areas

Storm Distribution Regions

NRCS-New York has published a map that shows the new four Storm Distribution Regions that should be used with the new county rainfall tables for the new Engineers Field Handbook, Part 2 (EFH2) method. When watersheds are close to the boundary of the regions, the appropriate quad map can be examined to determine the appropriate storm region to use.

Sub-county Rainfall Areas

NRCS-New York has published a map that shows the township delineated sub-county boundaries for the new Engineers Field Handbook, Part 2 (EFH-2) rainfall amounts. A specific design can be done with Win TR-20 where a more precise prediction is desired.

Estimating Runoff and Peak Discharges

This Supplement to EFH-2 concerns the use of rainfall data developed by the Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC) and rainfall distributions based on the NRCC data. These rainfall data and rainfall distributions replaced rainfall data from Weather Bureau Technical Paper 40 (TP-40) and the standard NRCS rainfall distributions Type II and Type III. This supplement was implemented by replacing the state/county rainfall database and a rainfall distribution type file used with the EFH-2 computer program with updated files. The EFH-2 computer program User Guide contains information, guidance, and examples concerning runoff curve number, average watershed slope, watershed length, input/output operations, and limitations. This supplement includes information related to rainfall data and rainfall distribution for use with the EFH-2 computer program in New York.

EFH-2 Files




The following document requires Adobe Reader.

Field Office Technical Guide - County Locator
Field Office Technical Guide
Service Center Locator

EFH-2_Supplement 2  (PDF; 5.5 MB)

Contact Information

Paula C. Bagley, State Conservation Engineer
Syracuse, New York
Telephone: 315-477-6538 or 607-865-7090
E-mail: Paula Bagley