Climate Analysis Branch Publications - 1987

Including introductions or abstracts; PSD authors are in boldface

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Bradley, R. S., H. F. Diaz, J. K. Eischeid, P. D. Jones, P. M. Kelley, and C. M. Goodess, 1987: Precipitation fluctuations over Northern Hemisphere land area since the mid-19th century. Science, 237, 171-175. [Abstract]

Bradley, R. S., H. F. Diaz, P. D. Jones, and P. M. Kelley, 1987: Secular fluctuations of temperature over Northern Hemisphere land areas and mainland China since the mid-19th century. In The Climate of China and Global Climate, D. Ye, C. Fu, J. Chao, and M. Yoshino (Eds.), China Ocean Press and Springer-Verlag, 76-87. [Abstract]

Bradley, R. S., H. F. Diaz, G. N. Kiladis, and J. K. Eischeid, 1987: ENSO signal in continental temperature and precipitation records. Nature, 327, 497-501. [Abstract]

Diaz, H. F., and C. Fu, 1987: Regional precipitation and temperature variability and its relationship to the Southern Oscillation. In The Climate of China and Global Climate, D. Ye, C. Fu, J. Chao, and M. Yoshino (Eds.), China Ocean Press and Springer-Verlag, 213-223. [Abstract]

Fu, C., H. F. Diaz, and J. O. Fletcher, 1987: Characteristics of the response of sea surface temperature in the Central Pacific associated with El Niño/Southern Oscillation. In The Climate of China and Global Climate, D. Ye, C. Fu, J. Chao, and M. Yoshino (Eds.), China Ocean Press and Springer-Verlag, 177-201. [Abstract]

Greenhut, G. K., and S. J. S. Khalsa, 1987: Convective elements in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. Part I: Conditional sampling statistics. J. Appl. Meteor., 26, 813-823. [Abstract]

Khalsa, S. J. S., and G. K. Greenhut, 1987: Convective elements in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. Part II: Entrainment at the capping inversion. J. Appl. Meteor., 26, 824-836. [Abstract]

Moses, T., G. N. Kiladis, H. F. Diaz, and R. G. Barry, 1987: Characteristics and frequency of reversals in mean sea level pressure in the North Atlantic sector and their relationship to long term temperature trends. J. Climatol., 7, 13-30. [Abstract]

Steiner, E. J., and S. J. S. Khalsa, 1987: Sea surface temperature, low-level moisture, and convection in the tropical Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 92, 14217-14224. [Abstract]

Woodruff, S. D., R. J. Slutz, R. L. Jenne, and P. M. Steurer, 1987: A comprehensive ocean-atmosphere data set. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 68, 1239-1250. [Abstract]