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Education and Training

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy supports tribal efforts to build internal capacity to understand and navigate energy projects by providing regional workshops, webinars, Tribal Leader Forums, college student internships, a comprehensive online training curriculum, and an energy resource library.

Climate Action Resources
Find resources to help implement sustainable energy strategies to prepare for and mitigate the impacts of climate change. These resources support various federal directives and policies connected to climate actions and resiliency.

Energy Resource Library 
Find topically relevant resources focused on energy topics that help promote tribal energy development, efficiency, and use.

Learn about the Office of Indian Energy’s college student summer internship program that provides an opportunity for current full-time technical undergraduates and graduate students—who are familiar with Native American culture and tribal issues—to support Office-funded projects in the field and at DOE’s Sandia National Laboratories.  

Find upcoming Tribal Renewable Energy Series webinars and view presentations from previous webinars. Access online curriculum focused on developing renewable energy projects on tribal lands.  

Register for upcoming renewable energy project development workshops and download presentations from past tribal workshops.