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Indiana Department of Environmental Management

Water Quality in Indiana > Ground Water > Private Wells and Complaint Response Private Wells and Complaint Response

The Private Well Complaint Response Program receives complaints, investigates, and samples at-risk private water wells which are suspected of being contaminated by man-made contaminants.

Well Disinfection

To disinfect a private well, follow the Instructions for Disinfecting a Private Well [PDF].

How to Protect a Private Well

Learn how to protect your private well from contamination at the U.S. EPA Private Drinking Water Well Site.

Contaminants of Concern

The U.S. EPA regulates drinking water standards through the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. The drinking water standards include a list of drinking water contaminants of concern and a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for each contaminant.

Private Well Water Sampling

Contact your local county health department to see if they are able to sample your private well. There are also many private laboratories that can sample your well water to determine if there are contaminants present. Look in your local Yellow Pages under "Laboratories - Testing" or "Environmental and Ecological Services" for a certified laboratory.

For complaints or more information on private well sampling, call (317) 234-7477 or (800) 451-6027 (toll free in Indiana). You can also e-mail your complaint information to

The U.S.EPA Private Drinking Water Wells: What You Can Do page provides additional information on contaminants.

Private Well Drillers/Contractors

A list of private well drillers and contractors can be found at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water - Licensed Well Drillers.

Additional information about private wells can be found on the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Ground Water/Wells website.

Questions or Concerns

If you have questions about private well water, contact an IDEM representative via email at: