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Indiana Department of Environmental Management



One of the biggest challenges Indiana’s rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands face does not come from the end of pipe. It’s pollution that can come from our construction sites, our parking lots, our farms, our roads, and even our own backyards. It’s called nonpoint source pollution and it’s a big deal. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has created this website to help Hoosiers understand this complex issue, find out what programs are working to clean up our waters, and what each person can do to help. The goal of IDEM is to make measurable improvements in water quality by addressing nonpoint source pollution through education, planning, and implementation. Every Hoosier can play a role in reducing pollution and protecting Indiana’s watersheds. We can’t do it alone, but together, we can make a difference!

What's on this Website?

IDEM has gathered together a collection of resources to help get you educated, connected , and up-to-date on virtually every nonpoint source topic. From water quality data to grant funds, from volunteer resources to water quality studies, this site has the information you need. The first section of the website is devoted to helping you understand more about nonpoint source pollution:

  • Want to know more about the water quality in your neighborhood? Check out the collection of tools under the eServices portion of the menu.
  • Working with a locally-led watershed group and need help? Check out the Watershed Toolkit, your one-click resource for everything you and your group will need to help improve water quality.

Learn more about IDEM’s Nonpoint Source Grants Programs, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL), and the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters, all from this website.

We’ve also compiled a collection of useful documents , including watershed management plans, TMDL reports, and the Indiana Nonpoint Source Management Plan.

Pathway to Water Quality

Planning on visiting the Indiana State Fairgrounds? Want to learn more about best management practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution and improve water quality? Then you need to visit the Pathway to Water Quality exhibit, where you can see a number of best management practices in action and learn how you can use them at your home or your business.

Hoosiers Restoring Our Waters

Read more about how Hoosiers, working together in their own watershed, cleaned up their rivers and streams. See how IDEM and these dedicated citizens worked together to make a real difference.

Water Quality