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  • noddy rotator

    Black Noddy

    When this baby grows up, it will eat small fish and aquatic invertebrates that are found close to the surface of the water.

    Black Noddy

  • Great frigatebird rotator

    Great Frigatebird

    When this bird grows up, it will have a scissor-shaped tail and elongated angular wings, allowing it to make spectacular flight maneuvers.

    Great Frigatebird

  • masked booby rotator

    Masked Booby

    When this dazzling white bird grows up, it will make high velocity plunge-dives in search of fish.

    Masked Booby

  • red-tailed tropicbird rotator

    Red-tailed Tropicbird

    When this baby grows up, it will dive with wings half-folded into the water to catch its prey.

    Red-tailed Tropicbird

Rose Atoll Marine National Monument

Rose Atoll Marine National Monument EST 2009

Coral head thumbnail

Approximately 10,156 square nautical miles of marine ecosystem at Rose Atoll were protected under the Antiquities Act of 1906 on January 6, 2009. Established as Rose Atoll Marine National Monument, it is one of four Marine National Monuments spanning across the Pacific that protects diverse marine ecosystems and the millions of wildlife dependent upon the Central Pacific. In coordination of management between the American Samoan Government, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the Monument area also encompasses protections afforded by the Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and the Muliava Unit of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa.

Learn more

Latest Monitoring Results

Reefs on the Mend After Recovery Efforts

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In October 1993, a 137-foot Taiwanese flagged long-line fishing vessel, Jin Shiang Fa ran aground on the reef of Rose Atoll. Unfortunately, it was carrying whale steaks and the crew may have intended to poach giant clams and sharks. After 1.3 million was awarded to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service resulting in a decade of debris removal and monitoring efforts the reefs are definitely on the mend. 75% of the corals have recovered and invasive algae have decreased by 25%!

Marine Conservation Institute Report

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife, and plants.

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What's New!

  • The Marvelous Monumental Assessment!


    Starring a business man, giant clams, a young child, hydro-thermal vents, seabirds by the millions, sharks by the tens, ridiculously colored coral and fish, coconut crabs that climb trees, and last but not least a baby! A not-to-be missed musical environmental and cultural report featuring all the Marine National Monuments in the Pacific including Rose Atoll Marine National Monument.

    View it Here!
  • Video on the Marine National Monuments of the Pacific


    Check out a fantastic introductory video about the extraordinary cultural and natural life of the Marine National Monuments of the Pacific!

    Our Deepest Waters
  • Google Street View Goes Underwater!

    Island to Water 200x174

    Catlin Seaview Survey crew used specialized equipment to capture thousands of panoramas of the coral reef that were stitched together using Google's famous Street View mapping technology. The results are three-dimensional slices of individual reefs, allowing one to virtually dive around at leisure. The virtual dive begins inside the protected lagoon of Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and moves through the channel on the ocean side of the reef crest, part of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa.

    Interactive Virtual Dive
  • Final CCP Available

    The Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan is available to view.

    Comprehensive Conservation Planning
Last Updated: Mar 28, 2016
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