• Slideshow Featured Content

    • 2017 Exam

      2017 Police Exam

      The Massachusetts State Police announces the combined entrance exam for those interested in joining the Massachusetts State Police. Applicants can apply to be considered for positions as a Municipal or Transit Officer and as a State Police Trooper.

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    • K-9 Training

      MSP K-9 Unit

      The K-9 Unit performs numerous functions throughout the Commonwealth.Click to see more about the unit.

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    • K-9 Nero remembered

      K-9 Tribute

      Click here to access the State Police K-9 Tribute Page.

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    • Massachusetts State Police Mounted Unit

      MSP Mounted Unit

      The MSP Mounted Unit at the Annual 4th of July Celebration at the Esplanade in Boston. The Mounted Unit is based out of Acton. Click to read more.

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    • Marine Unit Patrol

      MSP Marine Unit

      The Marine Unit has primary patrol responsibility for the Charles and Mystic rivers, Harbor Islands, Logan Airport and Massport properties in the Boston Inner Harbor

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  • French & Electric Blue, December 2016

    November 2016

    The December edition opens with the Colonel's Message, followed by holiday articles on the Toys for Tots program and Statie the Elf. Trooper Thomas Clardy is remembered with coverage of his family's recognition at the Thanksgiving football game between Marlboro and Hudson High Schools, as well as a tribute video to our fallen bother. The High Risk Victims Unit details a training on human trafficking, followed by a review of the NESPAC training held at the State Police Academy and a profile of the the Supply Section. With holiday depression effecting so many, an article on PTSD in first responders and contact information for the Employee Assistance Unit is also  included this month. Closing out the edition is the Museum's historical look back at our beginnings. The back cover has information on the upcoming civil service test for those interested in becoming Troopers, Police Officers and Transit Police Officers.

    The tribute video for Trooper Thomas L. Clardy on page 7 will not play in the Firefox browser. Please cut and paste the above link into the Chrome browser or Internet Explorer to see the video.

  • Police Officer Examination


    Interested in becoming a Massachusetts State Trooper?


    The Massachusetts State Police announces the combined entrance exam for those interested in joining the Massachusetts State Police. Applicants can apply to be considered for positions as a Municipal or Transit Officer and as a State Police Trooper. The application deadline is February 21, 2017. The written examination date is March 25, 2017. See below for more information on the application, examination and entrance requirements for each position.

    Click here to download or print the PDF: Police Entrance Exam 2017  pdf format of Exam 2017

    2017 Police Exam

  • Celebrating 150 Years of State Policing 1865 - 2015

    150th black and white photo

    On Saturday May 16, 2015, the Massachusetts State Police proudly celebrates its 150th anniversary as the oldest state police agency in the United States.

    In the 1800's the common title for police officers was constable. The Massachusetts State Police traces its origins directly through legislature to the Massachusetts State Constabulary, the first statewide police agency in the nation. The creation of the State Constabulary was signed into law on May 16, 1865 by Massachusetts Governor John A. Andrews. The establishment of a State Police Force in 1865 was unprecedented in this country, but the Massachusetts legislation creating the statewide force would eventually be adopted in various forms throughout our great nation. In fact, 49 States currently have a state policing agency, with Hawaii being the only exception as the Sherriff's Division of the Hawaii Department of Public Safety provides the statewide police services.

    There are different forms of State Police Agencies across the country today. Eighteen states use a Highway Patrol, with a primary function of, in accordance with their name, patrolling the highways. Seven states use a State Patrol, with a primary role of traffic enforcement, but in most states, duties are broadened to assisting with prison riots and other large scale support within the state.  Twenty-two states use the term State Police, which most often encompasses a full service police agency with a broad range of specializations. Some of the State Police Agencies do more, or in some cases less, than what is provided here as a general overview.

    To read more about the history of the Massachusetts State Police, click the link in the slideshow above, or the link above.