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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy provides tribes and Alaska Natives with information on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and project development through webinars and online curriculum.

Past Webinars

Download presentation and audio files from past webinars below.

Informational Webinar on the "Deployment of Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy on Indian Lands" 2017 FOA

An informational webinar was held Dec. 1, 2016, to provide potential applicants with information on the 2017 FOA "Deployment of Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy on Indian Lands." In addition to describing the FOA in detail, presenters discussed who is eligible to apply, what an application needs to include, cost share and other requirements, how to ask questions, and how applications will be selected for funding. View the webinar presentation. Learn more about the FOA.

Tribal Energy and Economic Development Webinar Series

The Office of Indian Energy, in partnership with Western Area Power Administration (Western), sponsored the 2016 Tribal Energy and Economic Development Webinar Series to assist tribes and Alaska Native villages interested in deploying energy projects to increase energy self-sufficiency, reduce energy costs, and strengthen tribal energy infrastructure.



Webinar Date Title Description
01/27/ 2016 Energy Planning for Tribal Economic Development Attendees will learn from experienced tribal energy planning and development facilitators and tribal project leaders about tools and resources to establish clean, diverse, and economically viable energy plans based on energy efficiency and wise use of renewable resources, with maximum local control and ownership of energy issues.
02/24/ 2016 Explore Your Energy Market Attendees will explore energy markets, wholesale price drivers, and other factors involved in putting tribal energy deals together.
03/30/2016 Transmission and Grid Basics for Tribal Economic and Energy Development Attendees will learn a wide range of topics, including transmission markets, management, and ownership structures; interconnection request processes and timelines; transmission planning and operations; and grid fundamentals.
05/04/2016 Understanding the Energy Policy and Regulatory Environment

Attendees will learn about federal, regional, and state policies and regulations as they pertain to energy development and how tribal and inter-tribal policies, including community aggregation, can be implemented to ensure a sustainable energy future.

05/25/2016 Tribal Business Structures for Financing Projects There are six different structures available to tribes to diversify their economic portfolios by creating business structures for their energy businesses. No single structure will work for every tribe, or even every tribally owned business. Learn about each of these business structures, their advantages, disadvantages, and examples, as well as how to select the best structure to fit your tribe’s goals and existing codes and laws. 
06/29/2016 Tribal Clean Energy for Sovereignty and Economic Development Learn about the economic development potential and job creation benefits of clean energy projects on tribal lands through case studies presented by two Indian tribes with defined long-term energy goals, and discover a modeling tool for quantifying the economic impacts.
07/27/2016 Project Development for Long Term Tribal Energy Speakers cover how to determine project savings and production potential estimates, define project options, refine the project, implement the project, and plan for operations and maintenance.
08/31/2016 Project Regulatory Considerations Learn about the many permitting and project regulatory issues that need to be addressed when developing energy projects. 
9/28/2016 Strategic Partnerships for Clean Energy and Economic Development Learn how partnerships can help align economic development and clean energy development strategies and policies, leverage resources, reduce or remove policy and program barriers and silos, and identify the emerging opportunities and challenges clean energy industries face in the near and long term. 
10/26/2016 Accessing Capital for Tribal Energy and Economic Development The webinar covered details of financing renewable projects, use of federal and state incentives, and local resources and partnerships that can help develop creative project financing terms and structures. Also it described information on tax credits and incentives available via DOE’s Database for State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. 
11/30/2016 Energy and Economic Success Studies Learn about successful projects that contributed to over 320 buildings being audited or retrofitted, moved more than 580 MW of renewable energy projects toward development, assessed the potential for more than 4,000 MW of renewable energy generation, and trained more than 170 tribal members on energy topics.

Renewable Energy Online Learning

Tribal leaders and professionals can access online curriculum on developing and financing renewable energy projects on tribal lands below. The courses are available as webinars that can be watched at any time. Foundational courses provide an overview of renewable energy technologies, strategic energy planning, and grid basics. Leadership and professional courses provide in-depth information on the components of the project development process and existing finance structures. Courses are presented by technical experts from DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and partnering organizations.