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Planning Environmentally Aware Events

Drawing of a 'Green City'

Imagine that you are attending a workshop...

This workshop actually took place in April 1992, in Montgomery County, Maryland. EPA, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the Montgomery County Department of Environment invited approximately 50 state and local waste management specialists to attend a workshop on waste prevention. The meeting planners went to great lengths to conserve materials and reduce waste.

The key to planning such an environmentally aware meeting or event is to set environmental priorities early in event planning and incorporate them into as many facets of the event as possible.

EPA has prepared this guide to help meeting and event planners reduce the amount of municipal solid waste generated by their meeting or event. This guide outlines the key steps in planning and conducting an environmentally aware event, profiles a variety of meetings and events, and provides a checklist that can be used as a planning tool.

  1. Environmental Meeting and Event Nuts and Bolts
  2. Profiles in Conservation
  3. A Planning Checklist

** Note: (It is important to address public health when planning a food-service component to your environmentally aware meeting or event. Local health departments are able to provide advice and guidance on safe and proper handling of food and drink.)

It’s Easy Being Green: A Guide to Planning and Conducting Environmentally Aware Meetings and Events (PDF) (12 pp, 303 K, About PDF) || ASCII Text Version (10 pp, 20 K) || en Español (PDF) (12 pp, 317 K, About PDF)

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