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Easements - Lajas Valley flood

Protecting and Enhancing our Natural Resources

NRCS offers easement programs to eligible landowners to conserve working agricultural lands, wetlands, grasslands and forestlands.

Caribbean Area NRCS is accepting applications for fiscal year 2016 funding for the purchase of conservation easements on eligible agricultural lands and wetlands.

Our easement programs include:

  • ACEP_logo_greenAgricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) - ACEP provides financial and technical assistance to help conserve agricultural lands and wetlands and their related benefits. Under the Agricultural Land Easements (ALE) component, NRCS helps territorial and local governments, non-government organizations and Indian tribes to protect working agricultural lands and limit non-agricultural uses of the land. Under the Wetlands Reserve Easements (WRE) component, NRCS helps to restore, protect and enhance enrolled wetlands.  The deadline for fiscal year 2016 easement applications is January 15, 2016.
  • HFRP_logo_greenHealthy Forests Reserve Program - HFRP helps landowners restore, enhance and protect forestland resource on private lands through easements and financial assistance. Through HFRP, landowners promote the recovery of endangered or threatened species, improve plant and animal biodiversity and enhance carbon sequestration.