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Federal Renewable Energy Projects and Technologies

By 2025, 30% of the electricity consumed by the federal government is to come from renewable energy sources. In fiscal year (FY) 2015, federal renewable electricity consumption was 8.3% of the total electricity consumption goal. <a href="/node/1040501">Learn more about FY 2015 progress toward the 30% by 2025 target.</a>

By 2025, 30% of the electricity consumed by the federal government is to come from renewable energy sources. In fiscal year (FY) 2015, federal renewable electricity consumption was 8.3% of the total electricity consumption goal. Learn more about FY 2015 progress toward the 30% by 2025 target.

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides resources and tools that help agencies implement renewable energy projects and technologies to meet federal laws and requirements. Executive Order 13693: Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, released March 19, 2015, declared that 30% of electricity consumed by the federal government is to come from renewable energy sources by 2025. The executive order established a hierarchy of practices for federal agencies to achieve the 30% by 2025 target.

  1. Install agency-funded renewable energy on site at federal facilities and retain corresponding renewable energy certificates (RECs) or obtain equal value replacement RECs.
  2. Contract for the purchase of energy that includes the installation of renewable energy on site at a federal facility or off site from a federal facility and the retention of corresponding RECs or obtaining equal value replacement RECs for the term of the contract.
  3. Purchase electricity and corresponding RECs or obtain equal value replacement RECs.
  4. Purchase RECs.

Get Started

Start implementing renewable energy projects to meet the 30% by 2025 target:

What Success Looks Like

Photo of a windmill.Find examples of renewable energy projects at federal facilities.