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Integrated Measurements and Characterization

The Integrated Measurements and Characterization cluster tool offers powerful capabilities with integrated tools for measuring and characterizing photovoltaic (PV) materials and devices.

Contact Brent Nelson for more details on these capabilities.

Basic Cluster Tool Capabilities

Sample Handling

  1. Ultra-high-vacuum robot
  2. Transport pod: allows inter-tool transfer of samples

Measurements and Characterization

  1. Open port
  2. Sputter-plasma diagnostic tool
  3. Transient lifetime mapping tool
  4. Photoluminescence and infrared lifetime imaging tool
  5. Auger electron spectroscopy system—This capability is also moveable; by changing a few connections, it can be interchanged between tools, such as the Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide cluster tool.
  6. Spectroscopic ellipsometry tool

Industry Tool

  1. Open port for adding an industry tool

The figure shows where tools or techniques—numbered in the list above—are physically located on the eight ports around the central chamber. A robotic arm moves samples from one technique to another within the cluster tool.

Schematic of the Integrated Measurements and Characterization cluster tool indicating the function of its eight ports. The color bar is a key to the basic class of each capability.

Other Measurements and Characterization Capabilities

The capabilities of the Integrated Measurements and Characterization cluster tool are supplemented by the Stand-Alone Measurements and Characterization techniques available elsewhere in the surrounding laboratory space. Samples from the Integrated Measurements and Characterization cluster tool can be transported to these other technique tools using a mobile transport pod, which can keep samples under vacuum conditions.

Other stand-alone measurements and characterization capabilities exist within the National Center for Photovoltaics, but are located in laboratories outside this space in the Science and Technology Facility.