Business Assistance

This page last reviewed February 1, 2016

helping hands


Sometimes business owners find it difficult to understand and comply with California’s air quality regulations. Businesses must determine which regulations apply, what compliance methods are available, whether or not permits are required, and if so, who issues those permits.

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) understands that owners of small businesses may need technical or financial assistance when trying to comply with regulatory requirements. California’s Small Business Assistance program can help guide you to the right resources and help you complete your permit/registration application forms.

What is the Business Assistance Program?

The federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 required all states to develop a program to assist small businesses to understand and comply with air quality control regulations. California’s 35 air pollution control or air quality management districts (Districts) are primarily responsible for regulating stationary (non-mobile) sources of air pollution and the ARB is primarily responsible for mobile and other sources of air pollution, such as consumer products.

Together, the Districts and the ARB offer California businesses a number of compliance resources including training courses, assistance with permitting, and referrals to financial assistance, including grant programs for early compliance with some regulations. Compliance assistance is sometimes offered through the enforcement division of a District or ARB.

Who Coordinates the Business Assistance Program?

ARB's Business Assistance Program is operated by the Office of the Ombudsman. Additionally, ARB's compliance training is operated by the enforcement division. One of the goals is to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in the regulatory process and the information needed to understand and operate within the regulations. The ARB Ombudsman will help you locate the correct contact person within ARB and/or in your local air district. We are here to serve. Please contact the Ombudsman and her staff at (916) 323-6791, 1-800-ARB-HLP2 (1-800-272-4572).

Para asistencia en EspaƱol, llame (916) 324-1503.
