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To achieve the most efficient, flexible, and reliable energy system, we work with manufacturers, utilities, and other research organizations to find solutions to big energy challenges.

Learn more about the concept of energy systems integration.

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Where We Work

Learn about the Energy Systems Integration Facility, a unique national asset for ESI research and development and analysis at various scales.

Photo of the Energy Systems Integration Facility

Our Work

NREL is tackling the major challenges facing the nation’s energy system. How do we incorporate new technologies into our existing energy infrastructure? How do we operate a system with higher levels of variable supply and demand? How do we keep the lights on and the fuel flowing in a world of extreme weather events, cyber threats, and aging infrastructure? And how do we fashion new business models, regulatory frameworks, and value propositions for consumers in this changing world?

NREL's crosscutting energy systems integration (ESI) research efforts focus on developing, evaluating, and demonstrating innovative technologies and strategies to ensure that our energy sources, demand-response programs, and delivery systems can work together optimally as a system.

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