Public Power Daily

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    • Sliding Home into the Holiday Season

      We have over 1,400 utility members, but each and every one is important to us, and we want to go into 2017 strong and unified. Tax reform promises to be high on the Congressional agenda come January, with the inevitable calls to repeal or weaken the tax-exempt status of bonds. I took this message on the road recently, speaking to the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities and the Public Power Council in Portland. Thank you so much to all of public power for putting your trust in us through your membership. Enjoy the best this season has to give. Continue Reading

    • Southern Swing

      Jim Matheson of NRECA and I discussed changes coming to electric utilities at a Tennessee Valley Authority forum. We also learned there about the customer research and distribution system modeling tools available to TVA local power companies from E Source and EPRI. After speaking at CEWD’s Summit back in Crystal City, where we learned about CEWD’s efforts to help utilities develop a diverse workforce, I traveled on to Georgia, to hear about MEAG Power’s nuclear initiatives in Georgia and meet with mayors and council members from public power communities. Continue Reading

    • High Schoolers as Energy Conservation Ambassadors

      E-Tracker, an innovative high school energy education program funded by the American Public Power Association’s DEED program, educates future customers about how the weather influences their families’ electricity bills. Discover how the program is improving customer satisfaction and building goodwill in 13 North Carolina communities. E-Tracker is a favorite among teachers, students, and utility staff — see how your utility can replicate the success. Continue Reading

    • Trump’s Infrastructure Plans: First Fix the Bonds

      American Municipal Power CEO Marc Gerken responds to a Wall Street Article touting the merits of municipal bonds for infrastructure projects and cautions that Build America Bonds are not a panacea in themselves. The federal government has sequestered billions in previously promised payments, frustrating those issuing bonds to finance public infrastructure. Continue Reading

About Public Power

Public power is a collection of more than 2,000 community-owned electric utilities, serving more than 48 million people or about 14 percent of the nation's electricity consumers.

Public power utilities are operated by local governments to provide communities with reliable, responsive, not-for-profit electric service. Public power utilities are directly accountable to the people they serve through local elected or appointed officials.

More information on all public power utilities is on the About Public Power page and in the Public Power Annual Directory & Statistical Report.

About APPA

APPA was created in 1940 as a nonprofit, non-partisan organization to advance the public policy interests of its members and their consumers, and provide member services to ensure adequate, reliable electricity at a reasonable price with the proper protection of the environment.

Policy positions emphasize the importance of hometown decision making that puts customers first and ensures a stable supply of electricity while protecting the environment. Since two-thirds of public power systems do not generate their own electricity and instead buy it on the wholesale market for distribution to customers, securing competitively priced and reliable wholesale power is a priority.

Learn more on the About APPA page.

Hotel Reservations Alert

A third party claiming to represent APPA is contacting attendees of upcoming APPA conferences and offering assistance with hotel reservations. No such third party is affiliated with APPA or authorized to represent us — please do NOT make hotel reservations through any third party that may contact you by phone or email.

APPA maintains room blocks with specially negotiated rates at all our conference hotels and attendees are encouraged to only use the online reservation links, phone numbers, and discount codes available on the APPA website for each conference under the “Hotel” tab.