Hafa Adai, Tirow & Welcome to Our Website. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality; Division of Coastal Resource Management and Division of Environmental Quality

The Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality (BECQ) was established by then Governor Eloy S. Inos, on November 12, 2013 under Executive Order No. 2013-24. The order reorganized and merged the Division of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Management Office under the newly established BECQ under the Executive Branch.  The main purpose of the merger was to enhance efficiency and collaboration through integration of services and strategic goals, sharing of resources, and elimination of overlapping responsibilities.

Mission:           To serve the public through wise management of CNMI natural resources, and by supporting healthy communities, a sustainable environment, and a vibrant economy.

Visit Our Division Websites:

Coastal Resources Management
Division of Environmental Quality Logo
Division of Environmental Quality

Are you heading to the Beach Today? Click here for the latest MARINE QUALITY REPORT to see if it is safe to swim!

Draft 2016 CNMI 305(b) and 303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report - Public Comment Period ends November 4th, 2016. Send comments to Draft 2016 CNMI IR