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Conservation Stewardship Program

Staff Contact:
Program Specialist
Phone: (302) 678- 4169
FAX: (302) 678-0843

Click for National 2017 Conservation Stewardship Program Information

Delaware 2017 CSP Information

Program Description and Eligibility Requirements

Most of the agriculture producers that are approved to participate in CSP have already been implementing conservation practices on their land. CSP steps in and offers enhancements for those practices. For example, if you have been practicing prescribed grazing, CSP would give you options to enhance that practice with activities such as grazing management to improve plants for wildlife, or grazing management to reduce soil compaction, or grazing management to improve riparian function, just to name a few.

If you decide to enroll in CSP, the local NRCS conservation planner will have a one-on-one consultation with you to evaluate your current management system and the natural resources on your land. Then the NRCS conservation planner will present a variety of CSP enhancement alternatives for you to consider implementing on your land, based on existing conservation practices. The variety of CSP conservation activities that are offered give you a lot of freedom to select enhancements or practices that help you meet your management goals.  These improvements work naturally with your land to bring out your land’s best potential.

Once you choose the enhancements that best fit your operation, CSP offers annual incentive payments for installing these practices on your land. If you want to take it even a step further, CSP also offers bundles where you can select a suite of enhancements to implement and receive an even higher payment rate.



Agricultural producers and owners of non-industrial private forestland and Tribes are eligible to apply for EQIP. Eligible land includes cropland, rangeland, pastureland, non-industrial private forestland and other farm or ranch lands.

Socially disadvantaged, beginning and limited resource farmers, Indian tribes and veterans are eligible for an increased payment rate and may receive advance payment of up to 50 percent to purchase materials and services needed to implement conservation practices included in their EQIP contract.


Participant Responsibilities

Control or own eligible land

Comply with adjusted gross income limitation (AGI) provisions

Comply with DUNS and SAMS requirements if operate as an entity

Be in compliance with the highly erodible land and wetland conservation requirements

Develop an NRCS EQIP plan of operations

Additional restrictions and program requirements may apply.


Application Deadline

 Applications are accepted throughout the year. Specific deadlines are set for ranking and funding opportunities. The next application deadline for funding consideration is February 3, 2017. 


Delaware 2017 available ranking pools, Application Evaluation Ranking Tool (AERT) questions (national, State, and local), and associated targeted resource concerns

(Al=Agricultural lands, NIPF = Non-Industrial Private Forest)

Delaware NIPF Beginning Farmer (Click here for this Ranking Tool)

Air Quality Impacts, Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat, Insufficient Water, Soil Quality Degradation, Water Quality Degradation

Delaware AL General (Click here for this Ranking Tool)

Air Quality Impacts, Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat, Insufficient Water, Soil Quality Degradation, Water Quality Degradation

Delaware NIPF Socially Disadvantaged (Click here for this Ranking Tool)

Air Quality Impacts, Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat, Insufficient Water, Soil Quality Degradation, Water Quality Degradation

Delaware NIPF General (Click Here for this ranking Tool)

Air Quality Impacts, Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat, Insufficient Water, Soil Quality Degradation, Water Quality Degradation

Delaware AL Socially Disadvantaged (Click here for this Ranking Tool)

Air Quality Impacts, Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat, Insufficient Water, Soil Quality Degradation, Water Quality Degradation

Delaware AL Beginning Farmer (Click here for this Ranking Tool)

Air Quality Impacts, Fish and Wildlife - Inadequate Habitat, Insufficient Water, Soil Quality Degradation, Water Quality Degradation


Applicable Conservation Activity Assessment Tool (CAET) Templates that Delaware will use to evaluate applications for each ranking pool

Coming Soon


National enhancement job sheets

Coming soon


List of resource conserving crops for the resource conserving crop rotations

Coming soon


List of duplicative enhancements

Coming soon


Approved payment rates

Coming Soon