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Publications & Fact Sheets

Type of Publication Date Description Contact
Adobe PDF 9/2016 Chesapeake Bay Progress Report (with Delaware Feature) Dastina Wallace, 302-678-4179
Adobe PDF 6/2016 Integrating Wildlife Habitat Fact Sheet Sally Kepfer, 302-678-4182
Adobe PDF 4/2016 Freezers for Delaware's Poultry Growers -Updated January 2017 Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 9/2015 2014 Farm Bill Guide to Delaware Programs Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 9/2015 Organic & Transitioning to Organic Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 9/2015 EQIP: Environmental Quality Incentives Program Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 9/2015 AMA: Agricultural Management Assistance program Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 10/2014 CSP: Conservation Stewardship Program Tom Wiltbank,302-678-4169
Adobe PDF 10/2014 ACEP: Agricultural Conservation Enhance Program Tom Wiltbank,302-678-4169
Adobe PDF 9/2015 Eligibility: Applying for Financial Assistance in the 2014 Farm Bill Dastina Wallace, 302-678-4179
Adobe PDF 9/2015 Info on DUNS and SAM Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 5/2014 High Tunnel Fact Sheet (2014 Farm Bill) Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 2/2014 Delaware Irrigation Guide: NRCS and Partners Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe PDF 12/2012 The Process: Steps After Submitting Your Application Tim Garrahan, 302-678-4260
Adobe 6/4/2010 Poultry Remediation Fact Sheet Sally Kepfer, 302-678-4182
Adobe PDF-Booklet 4/23/2009 "Mistaken Identity? Invasive Plants and their Native Look-Alikes"--an identification guide for the Mid-Atlantic Sally Kepfer, 302-678-4182


Delaware's Annual Accomplishments Report (click on the link below to download or open a PDF of the report)


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