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Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Planning ( for more information click to navigate to the National NRCS technical tools web page)

The following documents require Microsoft Excel or Adobe Acrobat

PSI - Delaware Phosphorus Site Index Worksheet, Current version is dated 12/20/2010 (MS Excel- 253 KB)NEW!

The following three documents are being utilized to re-write the Delaware Nutrient Management Standard, 590.  The Delaware standard will be issued by January of 2013.

General Manual - Nutrient Management (PDF - 126 KB)NEW!
Nutrient Management National Instructions (PDF- 137 KB)NEW!
Nutrient Management - Conservation Practice Standard (PDF - 74 KB)NEW!

Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP)  Planning Tools  (for more information click to navigate to the National NRCS technical tools web page)

Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP’s) are conservation plans that are unique to livestock and poultry operations. These plans document the practices and strategies adopted by the land owner or operator to address the natural resource concerns related to soil erosion, water quality, utilization of manure, and disposal of organic by-products.

The following documents require Microsoft Excel

CNMP for Multiple Animals, Dry Stack (XLSM 626 KB) updated 6/14/16
Poultry CNMP Tool For Field Office Employees (XLSM 916 KB) updated 6/14/16
Poultry CNMP Tool for TSP (XLSM- 910 KB)
Poultry Operations Checklist  (171 KB)