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Biomass Resource Assessment

Map showing annual productivity of marginal lands in APEC economies.

Biomass resource assessments quantify the existing or potential biomass material in a given area. Biomass resources include agricultural crops and residues; dedicated energy crops; forestry products and residues; animal wastes; residues and byproducts from food, feed, fiber, wood, and materials processing plants; as well as post-consumer residues and wastes, such as municipal solid wastes and landfill gases. These biomass resources could be used to produce power, heat, transportation fuels, and various chemical products.

NREL evaluates the biomass resources statistically and spatially using geographic information systems (GIS) and other techniques. This analysis examines the amount of resources available or potentially available in a region, as well as their geographic distribution. This information is extremely valuable to policymakers and industry developers in guiding their strategic decisions. Prior to beginning programs to expand biomass energy in an area, it is essential to know where the resources are and how much is available.

Map showing cash crop residues in Liberia.

NREL has completed biomass resource assessments in many countries, as illustrated below.

Technical contact: Anelia Milbrandt, 303-275-4633