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Soil Health

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Healthy soils are the foundation of agriculture. In the face of mounting challenges such as a growing global population, climate change, and extreme weather events, soil health is critical to our future. Healthy soil is essential as global demands rise for food, fuel, and fiber. Soils also play a crucial role in food security, hunger eradication, climate change adaptation, poverty reduction and sustainable development. As America’s agency for soil conservation, classification and studies, NRCS is excited that 2015 will bring worldwide attention to the importance of soil.

Working with the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) and other partners, NRCS will be showcasing the importance of soil with monthly themes created by SSSA:

  • January: Soils Sustain Life
  • February: Soils Support Urban Life
  • March: Soils Support Agriculture
  • April: Soils Clean and Capture Water
  • May: Soils Support Buildings/Infrastructure
  • June: Soils Support Recreation
  • July: Soils Are Living
  • August: Soils Support Health
  • September: Soils Protect the Natural Environment
  • October: Soils and Products We Use
  • November: Soils and Climate
  • December: Soils, Culture and People

Soil-to-Go Podcasts

Don’t have time to sit down at a computer to listen to  other farmers, ranchers and researchers about soil health topics? No problem. Load your audio device with these “Soil Health To-Go” podcasts and listen when while you're on the tractor, in the field, or when you've just got more time.

International Year of Soils News



Year of Soil VideoWatch the 2015  International Year of Soils Video

NRCS joins global partners to celebrate World Soil Day Dec. 5

NRCS celebrated World Soil Day on Dec. 5, a day spearheaded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The day created a global dialogue on the importance of soils. Follow on social media via #WorldSoilDay. Learn more.


International Year of Soils Resources