EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Science Report (Sab Review Draft)

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The EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Science Report (SAB Review Draft), formally known as the EPA's Report on the Environment - Technical Document, was released for public review and comment prior to the Science Advisory Board's (SAB) meeting and review held in July 2007. Comments received from the SAB and public comments from the external peer review, will be reviewed and discussed for consideration in the final report.

For a more interactive experience, visit the ROE Indicators (Live Site) at http://www.epa.gov/ncea/roe.

Cover of the EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Science Report  (SAB Review Draft Document)EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Science Report (also referred to as EPA’s 2007 ROE SR) compiles the latest and most reliable indicators to help understand critical trends in the environment and human health. Additionally, the report identifies key limitations of these indicators and gaps where reliable indicators do not yet exist. These gaps and limitations highlight the disparity between the current state of knowledge and the goal of full, reliable, and insightful representation of environmental conditions and trends, and provide direction for future research and monitoring efforts.

The indicators for EPA’s 2007 ROE SR, which comprise the main content of the report, underwent independent scientific peer review as well as public review and comment during the summer and fall of 2005 (see History/Chronology below).

In addition to the EPA’s 2007 ROE SR, EPA is also producing the Highlights of Conditions and Trends document (EPA's 2007 ROE HD), which summaries the findings in an easier to understand format. The Highlights Document (HD) is undergoing a separate review under EPA's Office of Environmental Information.


After the SAB and public reviews of the draft EPA’s 2007 ROE SR, the comments and recommendations received from the experts and public will be considered and the resulting revisions discussed within EPA and with EPA’s federal agency partners.

EPA plans to publish the final EPA’s 2007 Report on the Environment: Science Report in late 2007.


Jun 2003EPA published the Draft Report on the Environment (ROE) -Technical Document in 2003.
Jun 2005EPA held an external peer review meeting on the proposed indicators for EPA’s 2007 ROE TD.
Jul 2005EPA held a public peer review workshop on the proposed indicators.
Oct 2005EPA announced a second public peer review and public comment period for additional and updated proposed indicators for EPA’s 2007 ROE - TD.
Feb 2006EPA hosts an Agency review of the draft document, EPA’s 2007 ROE - TD.
Mar 2006EPA releases the updates to the Indicators and the External Peer Review Comments with EPA's Response to Comments.
Oct 2006EPA hosts an Interagency review of the draft document, EPA's 2007 ROE - TD.
Apr 2007EPA renames the report from Technical Document to Science Report.
May 2007EPA submits the draft EPA's 2007 ROE: Science Report for a 45-day public review and a Science Advisory Board (SAB) Review prior to the upcoming SAB Review Meeting this July.
Jul 2007EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) hosts a public teleconference and public meeting of the SAB Panel for the Review of EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment. The teleconference and meeting are being held to conduct a peer review of the EPA's draft Report on the Environment 2007: Science Report.
Oct 2007EPA hosts a public teleconference of the SAB Panel for the Review of EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment.

Additional Information

Comments may be submitted and viewed at regulations.gov.
To comment, either use the main search page to find the report (listed by it's title) or use the Advanced search option in the upper left menu, select Docket Search for the Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-ORD-2007-0198.