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Reimagining What's Possible: Highlights of NREL Analysis

The front cover of the Reimagining
What's Possible brochure.
PDF 3.6 MB

Making Sustainable Energy Choices: Insights on the Energy/Water/ Land Nexus

The front cover of the Making Sustainable Energy Choices: Insights on the Energy/Water/Land Nexus report.
PDF 1.6 MB

Renewable Energy on the Grid: Redefining What's Possible

The front cover of the Renewable Energy on the Grid: Redefining What's Possible report.
PDF 840 KB

National Renewable Energy Laboratory analysis publications, including technical papers, journal articles, and conference presentations, integrate and analyze technical, economic, and policy information to inform and shape the energy dialogue.

Publications that Illuminate System Operation with High-Penetration Renewables

Publications that Estimate EE/RE Technology Impacts, Including Costs, Co-benefits, Value

Publications that Inform Federal, State, and Regional Policy Making and Planning

NREL Publications Database

Access all of NREL's analysis publications in NREL's Publication Database.

Analysis Newsletter

The Decision Insight and Market Impacts newsletter highlights all the analysis activities in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies going on at the Laboratory. Subscribe to Newsletter.