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Arctic Black Carbon: Reduction of Black Carbon from Diesel Sources

According to the project plan MSTU is responsible for coordinating the engagement of all stakeholders such as: Federal State Statistics Service, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Defense, traffic police (GAI), Federal Service for Environmental, Technological, and Nuclear Supervision, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Management, Atmosphere Research Institute, Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Agency, freight and passenger traffic companies, service stations, research institutes. MSTU is also responsible for the analysis of traffic flow in the Murmansk region.

The aim of the project is to develop a detailed methodology based on existing data and data obtained in the course of the project to identify the main sources of black carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Achievement of the project objectives will contribute to the reduction of emissions from stationary and transport diesel installations.

Lead Partner: Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division
The project is funded by a grant given by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The project implementation period is 3 years (2012-2015).

MSTU project team includes:
Vladimir Malyshev, project leader, Professor, Head of the Department of Energy and Transport;
Svetlana Tretyakova, researcher, Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection;
Alexander Barinov, researcher, assistant, PhD student, Department of Energy and Transport;
Eugenii Gusev, researcher, assistant, PhD student, Department of Energy and Transport;
Anastasia Tretyakova, researcher, assistant, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection;

Natalia Anikeeva, project coordinator, Head of International Cooperation Department
Valeriia Pushnova, project secretary, Senior coordinator of International Cooperation Department

The project resulted in the following publications:

Black Carbon Emissions from Diesel Sources in Russian Arctic: Murmansk Region Case

Black carbon (BC) is a potent pollutant because of its effects on climate change, ecosystems and human health. Black carbon has a particularly pronounced impact as a climate forcer in the Arctic because of its effect on snow albedo and cloud formation. We have estimated BC emissions from diesel sources in Murmansk Region and Murmansk City, the largest city in the world above the Arctic Circle. In this study we developed a detailed inventory of diesel sources including on-road vehicles, off-road transport (mining, locomotives, construction and agriculture), fishing and diesel generators. For on-road transport, we conducted several surveys to understand the vehicle fleet and driving patterns, and, for all sources, we also relied on publicly available local data sets and analysis. We calculated that BC emissions in Murmansk Region were 0.40 Gg in 2012. The mining industry is the largest source of BC emissions in the region, emitting 69% of all BC emissions because of its large diesel consumption and absence of emissions controls. On-road vehicles are the second largest source emitting about 13% of emissions.

Evans, M., Kholod, N., Malyshev, V., Tretyakova, S., Gusev, E., Yu, S., and Barinov, A.: Black carbon emissions from Russian diesel sources: case study of Murmansk, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 8349-8359, doi:10.5194/acp-15-8349-2015, 2015.

Economic Benefits, Social Advantages and Emissions Reduction: Bus fleet upgrade by Murmanskavtotrans

The research showed that the main method of reducing BC emissions is improving the environmental characteristics of the transportation fleet. The brochure documents the benefits of a bus fleet upgrade in Murmansk, Russia. Within the pilot sub-projects the Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) "Murmanskavtotrans", the largest transportation company in the Murmansk region, upgraded its bus fleet by replacing older buses with the new Euro V models. The replacements improved the company’s position in the passenger transportation market. The company also saved money through reduced diesel consumption and lower maintenance costs. The new buses are more comfortable for passengers, providing higher quality service. In addition to the economic benefits, upgrading the fleet substantially reduced harmful emissions, including black carbon, that lead to health and climate benefits for the surrounding community.

Назар Холод, Владимир Малышев, Мередид Эванс, Оксана Липка, Евгений Гусев. Экономическая выгода, социальная польза и сокращение выбросов: опыт обновления автопарка ПАО "Мурманскавтотранс". – М., ПИ Квадрат, 2014. – 27 с.

Reducing Black Carbon Emissions from Dump Trucks in Russia (the case of the Murmansk region) published in Russian

This article discusses ways to reduce black carbon (BC) emissions of dump trucks operating in the open mining pits of the Murmansk region. The data obtained can be used in other regions of Russia as well. Reducing BC emissions of will improve the working conditions in the quarries and contribute to healthier ecological situation in the region. Reducing BC emissions will lower the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and lungs diseases. Cleaner air will reduce the quarrying work stoppage due to poor visibility. And finally, black carbon emissions reduction, especially in the Arctic region, will lead to improvement of the ecological situation both regionally and globally.

Холод Н.М., Эванс М., Малышев В.С. Снижение выбросов черного углерода карьерными самосвалами в России (на примере Мурманской области) // Горная промышленность. – 2015. – № 3 (121). – С. 72-75.

For other project-related news follow the links:
28.05.2015 Article by research team of international project published in most cited journal

Summary Report: Black Carbon Emissions from Russian Diesel Sources (181 Кб)

Economic Benefits, Social Advantages and Emissions Reduction: Bus fleet upgrade by Murmanskavtotrans (1175 Кб)

Black carbon emisison reductions from mining trucks_Mining Industry journal, 2015, No 3_Russian (170 Кб)

Updating date: 21.01.16