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Office of Inspector General

OIG Reports

Following is a listing of all reports issued by the Office of Inspector General.

Congressionally Requested and Chemical Safety Board Reports

What is the EPA OIG?

The Office of Inspector General performs audits, evaluations, and investigations of the EPA and its contractors to detect an prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. Learn more

2017 OIG Reports

Date Title Publication Number Environmental Goal Report Teams

2016 OIG Reports

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Report Teams

  • A - Air 
  • CSB - US Chemical Safety Board 
  • C - Contracts and Assistance Agreement Audits
  • EF - Efficiency Audits
  • FA - Financial Audits
  • FO - Forensic Audits
  • IRM - Information Resources Management Audits
  • L - Land Cleanup and Waste Management
  • OM - Office of Management
  • SPR - Special Program Reviews
  • ERP - Environmental Research Programs
  • T - Toxics, Chemical Management and Pollution Prevention 
  • W - Water

OIG Independence of EPA

The EPA's Office of Inspector General is a part of EPA, although Congress provides our funding separate from the agency, to ensure our independence. We were created pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended Exit.

Environmental Protection Agency  |  Office of Inspector General
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2410T)  |  Washington, DC 20460  |  (202) 566-2391
OIG Hotline: 1-888-546-8740.