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NREL | Energy Systems Integration Facility | U.S. Department of Energy

Fuel Distribution Buses

The Energy Systems Integration Facility's integrated fuel distribution buses provide natural gas, hydrogen, and diesel for fueling applications.

Standard, laboratory-grade natural gas is provided through a utility connection.

Diesel fuel is available in two laboratories. Each of these labs is equipped with a 50-gallon "day tank" for diesel fuel and supply lines throughout the lab space.

Photo of a man standing next to a rooftop hydrogen distribution bus.

Hydrogen is supplied to the labs in the Energy Systems Integration Facility via an integrated fuel distribution bus.

Utility-connected electrolyzers in the Energy Systems Integration Laboratory deliver semiconductor-grade hydrogen (99.999% purity) for use in the labs. The hydrogen is provided for general use at 200 psi through 1/4-in. distribution lines.

An outdoor test pad also includes a 700-bar dispensing station for hydrogen fueling.