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Save Energy by Recycling


The iWARM tool is based on the Waste Reduction Model (WARM), for solid waste planners and organizations. WARM can be used to calculate how much energy organizations can save and how much greenhouse gases they can avoid by recycling versus landfilling their waste.

Recycling everyday objects, such as paper, bottles, and magazines saves energy. The materials that you recycle are used to create the products you buy. This means less virgin material needs to be mined or harvested, processed, manufactured, and transported—all of which consume energy.

Saving energy also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more about how the things we throw away can affect climate change.

We created the Individual Waste Reduction Model (iWARM) to help you find out how much energy you can save when you recycle. The amount of energy saved is shown as the amount of time you can power an appliance. We used data from the iWARM model to create the Save Energy by Recycling web widget, which you can add to your website.

Full iWARM Tool

NEW MODEL VERSION: Updated June 2015

The full iWARM tool (121 K, Excel file), in spreadsheet form, offers more options (e.g. additional recyclables and appliances) than the web widget, but requires Microsoft Excel to use. Download the free Microsoft Excel Viewer.

For the iWARM tool to function properly, you must have Microsoft Excel security set to allow macros. Directions for enabling macros in different versions of Excel are provided below:

iWARM Widget

We created the Individual Waste Reduction Model (iWARM) to help you find out how much energy you can save when you recycle. The amount of energy saved is shown as the amount of time you can power an appliance. We used data from the iWARM model to create the Save Energy by Recycling web widget, which you can add to your website.
Find the embed code for the widget at EPA’s iWarm Widget Page.


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