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Publications & Fact Sheets

Vermont Publications

Hay bales in Vermont pasture

Below you will find a comprehensive listing of brochures produced by NRCS Vermont. This information can be very helpful in understanding the details of the many NRCS programs offered in this state, as well as the responsibilities of the parties involved in USDA conservation program contracts. The following documents require Adobe Reader.

Printed copies of many national NRCS publications are available free-of-charge through the NRCS publications distribution center and may be ordered on-line or by calling 1-888-LANDCARE. For printed copies of Vermont publications, call 802-951-6796 or your local USDA Service Center.

Get to Know NRCS

Conserving Natural Resources in Vermont 2013 (2,799 KB)

Conserving Natural Resources in Vermont 2012 (1,136 KB)

Conserving Natural Resources in Vermont 2011 (PDF 229 KB)

What is a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan? (PDF 555 KB)

Landowner Responsibility for Construction Projects in Vermont  (PDF 1011KB)


Farm Bill Programs for Environmental Conservation

AMA Vermont - Agricultural Management Assistance Program (PDF 164 KB)

CSP Vermont - Conservation Stewardship Program (PDF 611 KB)

EQIP Vermont - Environmental Quality Incentives Program (PDF 1,039 KB)

EWP Vermont - Emergency Watershed Protection Program (PDF 490 KB)

ACEP WRE Vermont - Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, Wetland Reserve Easement Component (PDF 1,428 KB)

2014 National Farm Bill Program Fact Sheets

Your Guide to the 2014 Farm Bill (PDF 1,978 KB)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program - EQIP (PDF 1,578 KB)

Agricultural Management Assistance Program - AMA (PDF 1,385 KB)

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program - ACEP (PDF 1,269 KB)

Conservation Stewardship Program - CSP (PDF 618 KB)

Regional Conservation Partnership Program - RCPP (PDF 391 KB)

Agricultural Conservation Experiences Services Program - ACES (PDF 1,395 KB)

Technical Service Providers - TSP (PDF 1,490 KB)


Soils Information

NRCS Web Soil Survey (PDF 327 KB)

NRCS Web Soil Survey: Spanish Version (PDF 259 KB)

Vermont Soils with Names of American Indian Origin (PDF 118 KB)

Soil Health Checklist for Growers

Unlock the Secrets in the Soil - Basics and Benefits

Unlock the Secrets in the Soil -Dig a Little, Learn a Lot

Unlock the Secrets in the Soil - Do not Distrub

Unlock the Secrets in the Soil -Discover the Cover

Healthy Soils Are: Full of Life

Healthy Soils Are: High in Organic Matter

Healthy Soils Are: Well Structured

Healthy Soils Are: Covered All the Time


Forestry & Wildlife Information

Early Successional Habitat (PDF 500 KB)

Forest Stand Improvement (PDF 527 KB)

Exotic Invasive Plants (PDF 391 KB)

Grassland Birds (PDF 182 KB)

Shrubland Birds (PDF 508 KB)

Forest Songbirds (PDF 732 KB)


Seasonal High Tunnels

Supporting Local Food Systems with Seasonal High Tunnels (PDF 572 KB)

Tips for Installation Operation of Seasonal High Tunnels (104 KB)

Frequently Asked Questions on Seasonal High Tunnels (PDF 91 KB)


Other Resources

Common Grazing Practices: EQIP (PDF 1,497 KB)

Have You Thought About Pasture Management? (PDF 169 KB)

Phosphorus Removal System - Vermont Interim Conservation Practice Standard # 782

Get Involved With the Earth: Exciting Environmental Careers (PDF 56 KB)

USDA We Can Help (French/English) (PDF 482 KB)

USDA We Can Help (Spanish/English) (PDF 487 KB)

2014 USDA NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) Spanish Translation (PDF 1,274 KB)

2014 USDA NRCS Agricultural Management Assistance Program (AMA) Spanish Translation (PDF 1,3990 KB)

2014 USDA NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant Program (CIG) Spanish Translation (PDF 387 KB)

2014 USDA NRCS Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) Spanish Translation (PDF 624 KB)

2014 USDA NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Spanish Translation (PDF 1,502 KB)