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Cultural Resources

sieving for artifacts

Cultural Resources are evidence of past human activity. These may include pioneer homes, buildings or old roads; structures with unique architecture; prehistoric village sites; historic or prehistoric artifacts or objects; rock inscription; human burial sites; earthworks, such as battlefield entrenchments, prehistoric canals, or mounds. These nonrenewable resources often yield unique information about past societies and environments, and provide answers for modern day social and conservation problems. Although many have been discovered and protected, there are numerous forgotten, undiscovered, or unprotected cultural resources in rural America.

When NRCS helps to fund easements to preserve land in perpetuity, one potential outcome is protecting the irreplaceable cultural resources located within the easement boundaries. Click here to read more about recent success stories about cultural resources protection and conservation easements.

Useful Documents

Cultural Resources Factsheet
This factsheet describes what Cultural Resources are and why it is important to protect them. For more detailed information regarding NRCS Cultural Resource protection procedures, visit the electronic Field Office Technical Guide, Section II, Cultural Resources.

Useful Websites

NRCS National Cultural Resources Webpage