United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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World Soil Resources Map Index

Last Modified: 09/28/2011

All global maps shown here are drafts. Your opinions/criticisms are welcome. Send comments to paul.reich@wdc.usda.gov.

Skip to Regional/Country Maps

Global Maps

Global Soil Regions Soil Moisture Regimes Soil Temperature Regimes
Global Soil Regions Map Global Soil Moisture Regimes map Global Soil Temperature Regimes map
Biomes Major Land Stresses Inherent Land Quality
Global Biomes map Global Major Land Resource Stresses map Global Inherent Land Quality map
Desertification Water Erosion Wind Erosion
Global Desertification Vulnerability map Global Vulnerability to Water Erosion map Global Vulnerability to Wind Erosion map
Human Induced Desert. Human Induced H2O Er. Human Induced Wind Er.
Global Risk of Human Induced Desertification map Global Risk of Human Induced Water Erosion map Global Risk of Human Induced Wind Erosion map
Anthropic Landscapes Anthropic Tension Zones Soil Organic Carbon
Global Anthropic Landscapes map Global Anthropic System Tension Zones map Global Soil Organic Carbon map
Soil Inorganic Carbon Wetlands Water Holding Capacity
Global Soil Inorganic Carbon map Global Wetlands map Global Soil Water Holding Capacity map
Phosphorus Global Population Density  
Global Soil Phosphorus Retension Potential map  

Regional and Country Maps

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A Case Study of the Cimanuk Watershed

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