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Related Resources and Links

This section is a collection of links to various other research projects, resource websites, and decision-support tools with relevance to EnviroAtlas. This is not an exhaustive list; it is primarily focused on organizations and research with a national focus. For state and local geographic information systems (GIS) data, decision-support tools, and resources, visit the relevant agency's websites.

Environmental Decision-Support and Geospatial Tools

Below is a list of other geospatial and decision-support tools created by the EPA and other organizations. Some of these tools are designed for scientific and technical professionals, and may not be appropriate for all audiences.

Better Assessment Science Integrating point & Non-point Sources (BASINS)
BASINS is a multi-purpose environmental analysis system that integrates a GIS, national watershed data, and state-of-the-art environmental assessment and modeling tools into one convenient package.

Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System (CADDIS)
CADDIS in an EPA tool developed to help scientists and engineers in EPA regions, states, and tribes conduct causal assessments in aquatic systems.

Community-Focused Exposure Risk Screening Tool (C-FERST)
Currently available under a password protected beta site, C-FERST is a web-based tool for assisting in the identification and prioritization of issues, as well as aiding in making decisions to reduce human health risks within communities. The tool includes maps of demographic data, pollutant sources, environmental concentrations, human exposures, and health risks for identifying vulnerable populations and communities at risk.

Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Tools Database Exit
The Ecosystem-Based Management Network brings together 4,000 members in fields of coastal and marine conservation and management. Search for tools, projects, practitioners, organizations, and other resources related to coastal-marine spatial planning and ecosystem-based management.

EPA: My Environment
MyEnvironment provides immediate access to a cross-section of environmental data for any geographical location in the U.S.

EPA: Water Recovery Potential
Monitoring programs under the Clean Water Act have identified tens of thousands of US water bodies that do not meet Water Quality Standards and are in need of restoration. This website provides technical assistance for restoration programs to help them consider where to invest their efforts for greater likelihood of success, based on the traits of their own geographic area's environment and communities.

EPA: Watershed Central
Watershed Central provides state, local, and voluntary watershed management entities with the key tools, resources, guidance, and datasets to aide in a successful watershed management.

Federal Geospatial Platform Exit
The Geospatial Platform houses and promotes access to federally maintained geospatial data, services and applications. Additional data provided by state, tribal, regional, and local governments is available where possible and appropriate.

Gap Analysis Program (GAP) Landcover Analysis Viewer Exit
USGS maintains an expansive database on the vegetation coverage across the U.S. The database includes 4 levels of detail for the user. This application is designed to help individuals and organizations with conservation or land use planning decision for the entire extent of a habitat type across political boundaries.

i-Tree: Tools for Assessing and Managing Community Forests Exit
i-Tree is a peer-reviewed suite of applications from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service that provides urban and community forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. i-Tree provides much of the data for evaluating the benefits of tree coverage for communities in EnviroAtlas. The i-Tree tools can help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management and advocacy efforts.

LandScope America Exit
NatureServe and the National Geographic Society partnered to create an online dynamic public resource that catalogues maps, stories, images, and data about America's beautiful places. LandScope is a unique application to inspire and inform conservation and management of America's land and natural resources.

Surf your Watershed
Enter your location to access environmental data from the EPA, USGS, and other available sources for a specific watershed. Surf your Watershed also includes a list of citizen-based groups that work within that watershed.

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This collection of links begins with a list of resources that address the broader topic of ecosystems and ecosystem services and then groups items by individual services. Click the page links directly below to skip to a particular section.

Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services

Ecoinformatics-based Open Resources and Machine Accessibility (EcoINFORMA) is an initiative aimed at expanding the availability and interoperability of Federal and non-Federal biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem services information for use by researchers, the public, and government decision-makers.

Ecological Society of America: Toolkit Exit
The Ecological Society of America developed a series of toolkits to increase the public's awareness of the importance of ecosystem services.

EPA: Ecosystem Services Research
EPA's ecosystems research is working to protect ecosystems and the air and water resources that provide numerous benefits for humans and other living things.

EPA: Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System (FEGS-CS)
FEGS-CS is a critical foundation for measuring, quantifying, mapping, modeling, and valuing ecosystem services, as well as for other ecosystem service-centric activities that are dependent on a defined and rigorous framework.

EPA: Ground Water and Ecosystems Research
This ongoing EPA research effort is focused on the evaluation and effectiveness of restoration and management activities on ground water and surface water systems to achieve desired environmental conditions that support and maintain ecosystem services.

EPA: Tampa Bay Ecosystem Services Research
The Tampa Bay Research Program is an EPA initiative exploring the large-scale physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of coastal wetlands and estuaries, with emphasis on the Gulf of Mexico.

Federal Resource Management and Ecosystem Services (FRMES) Guidebook Exit
The FRMES Guidebook serves as a training manual that helps to streamline the management of ecosystem services. With the guidebook, resource managers can create clear, workable plans that prioritize the work needed to establish and maintain resilient communities throughout the country. The FRMES Guidebook is a product of the National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP).

InVEST: Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs Exit
InVEST is a family of tools to map and value the goods and services from nature which are essential for sustaining and fulfilling human life.

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) Exit
The MA is the leading international publication, or collection of publications, on the condition and trends of ecosystems, the services they provide, and the options to restore, conserve, or enhance the sustainable use of these resources.

National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP) Exit
The National Ecosystem Services Partnership engages both public and private individuals and organizations to enhance collaboration within the ecosystem services community and to strengthen coordination of policy, market implementation, and research at the national level.

Natural Capital Project (NCP) Exit
The Natural Capital Project is researching how improve how humankind uses the world's lands and waters by making clear the economic and life-sustaining services they provide.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service: Ecosystem Services Exit
The USDA Forest Service works to increase awareness of the benefits provided by ecosystems. Their Forests to Faucets Exitmodel maps the role of forests in providing and protecting drinking water supplies.

Willamette Partnership Exit
Functioning ecosystems are a cornerstone of thriving communities, just like health care, infrastructure, and education. By increasing the pace, expanding the scope, and improving the effectiveness of conservation, Willamette Partnership lays the groundwork to create vastly better outcomes for both ecosystems and people.

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Clean Air

EPA: Clean Air
EPA provides information on indoor and outdoor air quality. Learn about air pollutants, health concerns, and what you can do to combat air pollution

Air Quality Index (AQI) - Air Now Exit
EPA calculates the AQI for five major air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act: ground-level ozone, particle pollution (also known as particulate matter), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. For each of these pollutants, EPA has established national air quality standards to protect public health.

AirData gives you access to air pollution data for the entire United States including the location of non-attainment areas. A non-attainment area is a location that does not meet current air quality standards.

USDA Forest Service: Urban Tree Effects on Air Quality and Human Health Exit
An EnviroAtlas project partner, the USDA Forest Service continues to develop leading research the impacts of urban forestry on human and environmental health.

Tribal Air Monitoring Center Exit
The Tribal Air Monitoring Center was created through a partnership between tribes, the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, and EPA. It is the first technical training center designed specifically to meet the needs of tribes involved in air quality management.

American Forests: Air Quality Exit
American Forests, the oldest national nonprofit conservation organization in the country, advocates for the protection and expansion of America's forests.

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Clean and Plentiful Water

EPA: Water News and Resources
This page is an EPA resource directory for the projects, research, programs, and resources related to drinking water, pollution prevention, waterbodies, and other related topics.

EPA: Watershed Central
Watershed Central provides state, local, and voluntary watershed management entities with the key tools, resources, guidance, and datasets to aide in a successful watershed management.

EPA: Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Pollutant Loading Tool
The DMR Pollutant Loading Tool is a new tool designed to help you determine the "who, what, where, and how much" of pollutant discharge.  

EPA: Water Pollution Prevention
EPA's resource for learning about different pollutants, programs, and prevention measures.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS): Water Resources of the U.SExit
The USGS collects and provides access to data and information related to streams and rivers, groundwater and wells, water quality, floods and droughts, among other water related topics.

USDA Forest Service: Watershed Exit
The Forest Service manages the largest single source of water in U.S., with about 18% originating from 193 million acres of land. A network of water and watershed resource specialists support stewardship efforts at all levels of the organization to promote healthy, sustainable watersheds fundamental to ecosystems and people. This webpage brings together resources on the Forest Service's efforts and projects to manage this precious resource.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) Exit
NADP is a nationwide network of precipitation monitoring sites. The network is a cooperative effort between many different groups, including the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, USGS, USDA, and numerous other governmental and private entities.

Center for Watershed Protection Exit
The Center for Watershed Protection works to protect, restore, and enhance our streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and bays.

The Stormwater Manager's Resource Center Exit
The SMRC is designed specifically for stormwater practitioners, local government officials and others that need technical assistance on stormwater management issues. Created and maintained by the Center for Watershed Protection, the SMRC has everything you need to know about stormwater in a single site.

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Natural Hazard Mitigation

EPA: Flood Protection from Wetlands
Information from the EPA on the way wetlands naturally help to protect from flooding during storm events.

EPA: Natural Disasters
EPA's resource directory for ways to reduce risks to health and the environment due to natural disasters for homes, communities, schools, or businesses.

Ready.gov Exit
Ready.gov is the federal website for information related to preparing for and dealing with droughts, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, storms, and other natural hazards.

The Nature Conservancy: Coastal Resilience Exit
Coastal Resilience is a global network of practitioners who are applying an approach and web-based mapping tool designed to help communities understand their vulnerability from coastal hazards, reduce their risk and determine the value of nature-based solutions.

USDA Forest Service: Extreme Events Exit
The USDA Forest Service is conducting research on the effects of extreme weather and natural disasters on natural resources such as forests and rangeland.

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Climate Stabilization

EPA: Climate Research 
EPA conducts research to understand the environmental and health impacts of climate change and to provide sustainable solutions for adapting to and reducing the impact from a changing climate.

EPA: Climate Change and Water
EPA is working with state, tribal, and local governments, as well as other public and private stakeholders, to understand the science, develop tools, and implement actions to respond to the impacts of climate change on water resources and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGRCP) Exit
USGCRP coordinates and integrates federal research on changes in the global environment and their implications for society.

World Resources Institute | Climate Exit
World Resources Institute provides briefing reports on climate related activities such as national emissions markets, greenhouse gas inventories, and transportation and energy technology options.

Pew Center on Global Change-Climate Action in the States Exit
The Pew Center on Global Change provides information on state policies to address climate change.

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Recreation, Culture, and Aesthetics

National Park Service (NPS): Find a Park Exit
An advanced search function to access information on America's protected natural, historical, recreation, and cultural sites.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM): Recreation and Visitor Services Exit
The BLM maintains more than 245 million acres of public lands that offer opportunities for hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing, climbing, boating, and other outdoor recreation opportunities.

US Forest Service: Recreation, Heritage and Volunteer Resources Exit
The USDA Forest Service directory for recreation opportunities in national forests and grasslands.

US Forest Service: Research on Recreation and Ecosystems Exit
Research from the USDA Forest Service on potential impacts of recreation activities on natural resources and the importance of effective recreation management.

The Partnership for the National Trail System (PNTS) Exit
PNTS connects member nonprofit trail organizations and federal agency partners to further the protection, completion, and stewardship of the 30 National Scenic and Historic Trails within the National Trails System.

Trust for Public Land (TPL) Exit
TPL conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens, and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come.

Landscope America Exit
NatureServe and the National Geographic Society partnered to create an online dynamic public resource that catalogues maps, stories, images, and data about America's beautiful places. LandScope is a unique application to inspire and inform conservation and management of America's land and natural resources.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Exit
Rails-to-Trails is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a nationwide network of trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors to build healthier places for healthier people.

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Food, Fuel, and Materials

EPA: Agriculture
An EPA resource directory for agriculture, this webpage provides access to research and information on regulations, policies, sustainability, water, food and safety, and other related topics.

USDA: Local Farmers Markets Directory Exit
The USDA Local Farmers Market Directory, maintained by AMS Marketing Services, is designed to provide members of the public with convenient access to information about U.S. farmers market locations, directions, operating times, product offerings, and accepted forms of payment.

National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) Environmental & Resource Economics Programs Exit
NIFA national leadership integrates research, education, and extension expertise to address contemporary environmental and natural resource problems with new approaches that are economically sound and environmentally advantageous.

USDA: National Agroforestry Center (NAC) Exit
NAC, with its network of partners, conducts research, develops tools, coordinates demonstrations and trainings, and provides useful information to natural resource professionals.

The American Fisheries Society Exit
The mission of the American Fisheries Society is to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals.

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service: Integrated Pest Management Exit
A service of the Agriculture Information Service, this website provides links to specific pest management research and food guides.

Local Harvest Exit
Local Harvest maintains an active and accessible nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources.

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Biodiversity Conservation

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS): Habitat Exit
The FWS works with others to conserve, protect habitat for the continuing benefit of Americans.

Protected Lands Database for the United States Exit
This web site provides information on a 2009-10 design process for a Protected Areas Database of the U.S. (PAD-US) as well as links to two versions of PAD-US data.

Lanscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Exit
LCCs are a unique network of public-private partnerships that provide shared science to ensure the sustainability of America's land, water, wildlife and cultural resources. There is an LCC that works in every region of the US.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM): Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation Exit
The BLM manages more wildlife and plant habitat than any other federal or state agency in the country. This website provides information on its initiatives and projects in conservation and management.

USDA Forest Service: Invasive Species Research Exit
The Forest Service Research and Development Invasive Species Program provides the scientific information, tools and methods for regulators, managers and the public to address invasive species.

National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) Exit
The NISIC is federal initiative from the National Agricultural Library to meet the information needs of individuals, organizations, and communities. The website serves as a reference gateway to information, organizations, and services about invasive species.

Wilderness.net Exit
Wilderness.net is dedicated to the development and dissemination of knowledge needed to improve management of wilderness, parks, and similarly protected areas.

The Nature Conservancy: Habitat Conservation Exit
The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. They work to protect habitats in order to preserve biodiversity across the world.

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Environmental Justice

EPA: Environmental Justice
EPA's goal is to provide an environment where all people enjoy the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to maintain a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.

EPA: Mapping Environmental Justice
EJSCREEN, formerly known as EJView, is a mapping tool that allows users to create maps and generate detailed reports based on the geographic areas and data sets they choose.

Center for Health, Environment and Justice Exit
The Center for Health, Environment and Justice promotes coalition-building and organizing in communities that experience environmental justice. The organization is made up of various campaigns and works to provide one-on-one technical assistance to communities to enhance their ability to win environmental struggles.

Communities for a Better Environment Exit
Communities for a Better Environment provides resources to minority and low-income populations dealing with threats from toxic industries in their communities. The organization's three-part strategy for assisting these communities includes grassroots activism, environmental research and legal assistance.

Environmental Law Institute: Community Health and Justice Exit
The Environmental Law Institute's Community Environmental Health and Justice Program (CEHJ) works with grassroots, community based organizations and advocates to address challenges to their environment and health.

Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) Exit
Established in 1990 within the United States, IEN was formed by grassroots Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues (EJ).

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Human Health and the Environment

EPA: Asthma
The EPA promotes and researches the science behind environmental asthma triggers. Partnering with federal, state, and local agencies and organizations EPA works to strengthen the nations capabilities to deal with and limit exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants.

EPA: Biodiversity and Human Health
EPA recognizes the importance of healthy ecosystems for our health and well-being, and conserving biodiversity is a primary way to sustain healthy ecosystems and the services they provide to us.

US Global Change Research Program: Human Health Exit
The Human Health chapter of the Global Change Research Program' report details the effects of climate shifts on heat and cold vulnerabilities, disease control, air quality, and mental health.

World Health Organization (WHO): Human Health and Climate Change Exit
The WHO website on health and climate change links to policies, reports, and programs focused on mitigating the impacts of climate change on human well-being.

Conservation International: Human Health and the Environment Exit
Conservation International provides research, programs, and news related to ecosystem services and human health impacts.

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Smart Growth and Planning

Smart Growth America Exit
Smart Growth America is dedicated to researching, advocating for and leading coalitions to bring smart growth practices to more communities.

InVEST: Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs Exit
InVEST is a family of tools to map and value the goods and services from nature which are essential for sustaining and fulfilling human life.

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) Exit
The ULI, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research and education organization focused on real estate, planning, and land use.

Project for Public Space (PPS) Exit
PPS is a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities.

The Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) Exit
CNU is the leading organization promoting walkable, mixed-use neighborhood development, sustainable communities and healthier living conditions.

American Planning Association Exit
Provides information on land use planning for professionals and interested citizens. Highlights include the Growing Smart Initiative and Planners Book Service, an extensive online catalog of relevant and useful publications.

Metropolitan Policy Program Exit
The Brookings Institution is redefining the challenges facing metropolitan America and identifying assets and promoting innovative solutions to help communities grow in more productive, inclusive, and sustainable ways.

Smart Growth Network Exit
Provides a wealth of information and news on alternatives to sprawl from its non-profit, government, and private-sector partners.

Links to non-EPA websites

This page provides links to non-EPA websites. Providing a link is not an endorsement of the site or the information it contains by EPA or its employees. EPA cannot attest to the accuracy of external websites. This icon Exit indicates the link might direct to a non-federal webpage. Also, please be aware that the privacy protection provided on the EPA.gov domain (see Privacy and Security Notice ) may not be available on non-EPA pages. Full EnviroAtlas disclaimer.