What's in My Neighborhood

This online application offers you a way to access a wide variety of environmental information about your community. You can search for:

  • Potentially contaminated sites: Since the early 1980s when major federal and state cleanup programs were created, the MPCA has been aggressively searching for and helping to clean up contaminated properties, from very small to large. This website contains a searchable inventory of those properties, as well as sites that have already been cleaned up and those currently being investigated or cleaned up.
  • Environmental permits and registrations: This Web application also contains a searchable inventory of businesses that have applied for and received different types of environmental permits and registrations from the MPCA.

Temporary changes to this application

The MPCA is in the process of moving to a new information and data management system. During this time, all new sites added to MPCA databases will not appear while performing map searches. They will only appear while performing text searches.

In addition, information in the text search is static as of October 2015 for air, wastewater, stormwater, feedlot, hazardous waste, solid waste and tank activities. It is static as of April 2016 for leak site and remediation information. All services will be fully restored once the transition is done.

Data vendors and consultants

Some up-to-date data sets are available for download as Excel files:

Additional data sets are available on the Minnesota Geospatial Commons website.

We apologize for this inconvenience and will let users know when the migration to the new information and data management system is complete. If you need other up-to-date information, please contact MPCA Records Management at recordsmanagementintaketriage.pca@state.mn.us, or call 651-757-2728 or 1-844-828-0942.

If you have questions or concerns about this or any other MPCA Web applications, please email webteam.pca@state.mn.us.

How do I search?

Search by name of business, zip code, city and many other ways. (HTML icon What’s in My Neighborhood? Frequently Asked Questions)

Map Search

Search the map using:

  • Location
  • Name of business or project
  • City, County, Watershed or Zip Code
  • Street Address
  • Township / Range
  • And more!

Text search icon magnifying glass over paper

Text Search

HTML icon Search the text using:

  • Type of permit or potentially contaminated site
  • Name of business or project
  • City, County, Watershed or Zip Code
  • Permit or Project ID
  • Owner
  • And more!

If a business or location is on this website, does that mean it is a threat to my family or the environment?

No. This information is made available so that you may understand your community and environment better. If a property or business is listed on this website, that does not imply a threat to you or the environment. Formerly contaminated sites are included, even if they have been cleaned up. Businesses listed as having environmental permits, such as air emission permits, are complying with the law and agreeing to operate within the limits established by the MPCA.

More information