Start or Stop Utility Services

Moving in? Moving out? New Construction ready for Meter Set?

Last updated May 13, 2016 - 9:18 am
Starts, Stops, Meter Sets

Submit utility service requests to start service when you're moving in, or to stop service and request a final bill when you're moving out. Builders/Contractors request a meter set when new construction is ready for a meter to be installed.

Request New Service 3 Days in Advance

Submit requests to Start Service at least 3 business days in advance of the date you will need your utility account to begin.

If you need utility services started sooner, it is sometimes possible to accommodate an earlier request. Contact a Utility Billing Account Manager by email or call 919-996-3245 Monday - Friday between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm to determine how soon your services can begin.

Moving In? Start Utility Services

To open a utility services account, complete a New Account Application and submit by email, fax or mail. Alternatively, you can call a Utility Billing Account Manager at 919-996-3245 Monday - Friday between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm to assist you.

  • New service connections are only performed on weekdays during normal business hours (except holidays).
  • The identity of the account holder must be verified for all new accounts. Verification is most often done with the data you provide on the Start Service Request. However, you may be required to provide additional documents for proof of identity and/or proof of residence before the account can be established. (Examples: Social Security card, valid driver's license, passport, alien identification card, state-issued photo ID card, lease/rental agreement.) Businesses may be required to provide a W-9 Taxpayer Identification Number form.
  • Before your service is connected, make sure all faucets are turned off and sink/tub stoppers are open to prevent accidental flooding.
  • Every new account is required to pay a $50.00 service initiation fee. A credit letter will NOT be accepted in lieu of this fee. All new customers will be required to pay a $50.00 deposit. In some cases, previous customers starting service at a new address may also be required to pay a $50.00 deposit. Service initiation fees and deposits will be added to the customer's first utility bill.

Many customers register for Online Account Access, E-Billing (enroll through the Online Account Access) and AutoPay (enroll online or submit form) when they establish their new utility accounts. You may want to consider taking advantage of these convenient options, too.

Moving Out? Stop Utility Services & Request Final Bill

If you are planning to move, remember to stop your City of Raleigh utilities account. Notify Utility Billing with the date you want your services stopped and your new mailing address. This will ensure that your final bill is processed correctly and that your account will be closed.

To stop your utility services, complete a Stop Service & Final Billing Request form and submit by email, fax or mail. Alternatively, you can contact a Utility Billing Account Manager by email or call 919-996-3245 Monday - Friday between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm for assistance.

  • Service disconnections are only done on weekdays during normal business hours (except holidays).
  • The final utility bill will be calculated from the last meter reading at the time the services are disconnected.

If you don't contact Utility Billing, you could be responsible for paying the utility bills at your old address until a new account is initiated by a new resident or owner.

Meter Set Requests

Builders and contractors can submit requests for meter sets using the Request for Meter Sets form. If requesting more than 8 meter sets, use additional forms. Follow instructions on the form to submit to Utility Billing by email, fax or mail.

Account Managers are also available to assist you by phone at 919-996-3245 Monday - Friday between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm. However, we recommend using the form when requesting 3 or more meter sets at once, to save you time and to ensure accuracy.

  • There will be a $50 Service Initiation Fee on the first bill for each meter set.
  • If applicable, a $50 Deposit will also be included on the first bill.
  • Any address listed that does not meet code will be charged an additional $50 Meter Set Return Trip (Not Ready) Fee.
  • Meter set requests may be completed as soon as the same day the request is received, but please allow up to 3 business days.

Avoid Additional $50 'Not Ready' Fee

Prior to requesting a meter set, be sure that:

  • The Utility Connection Permit has been obtained
  • The property is in compliance with City Code
  • The property is ready for meter installation

There will be an additional $50 Meter Set Return Trip Fee (Not Ready) for each address that does not meet code.

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