Pesticide Permits and Licenses

Forms for Pesticide permits or certifications

Complete Form Name     Short Name
Notice of Arrival of Pesticides and Devices     NOA Form     Get form
BT-A Trainer     New Trainer     Get form
BT-A Trainer     Refresher     Get form
BT-A certification     Basic course     Get form

Information about Specific Permits

Notice of Arrival

By local law, Guam EPA must be notified of the arrival of pesticides and related devices into Guam. An importer intending to bring pesticides and/or related devices into Guam must submit the Notice of Arrival Form to the Guam EPA Administrator for approval prior to arrival of the shipment into Guam.

Pesticide Dealer’s License

To sell restricted use pesticides (RUPs), individuals must obtain a pesticide certification and pesticides dealer’s license from the Guam EPA. Application for a PDL is $25.00 for each principal sales outlet. There is also a fee of $10.00 for each branch sales outlet.

All sales outlets offering RUPs must have a Certified Pesticides Sales Manager. Individuals seeking to be certified pesticides sales managers must apply for examination at the Guam EPA or attend a Pesticide Certification Workshop at the University of Guam, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). Successful completion of the examination will result in certification. Licensed pesticide dealers have joint responsibility with his or her certified pesticides sales manager in the solicitation, sales, handling and reporting of RUPs with the Guam EPA.

Pesticide User Certification and Training

Pesticides Certification and Training programs are designed to make sure pesticide users are competent to handle RUPs without causing danger to themselves, the public and the environment. These programs also allow the continued use of certain chemicals that might otherwise be withdrawn from the market due to potential danger to humans or the environment. The University of Guam, CALS in cooperation with Guam EPA offers training workshops and certification testing.

Private applicator – The first type of certification is a private applicator (farmer, rancher, etc.) who applies or supervises the application of RUPs. The RUPs must be used to produce agricultural commodities on property the individual employer owns or rents, or as an exchange of services with other private parties.

Commercial applicator – The second type of certification is for those who apply or supervise application of RUPs for any purpose or on any property other than as provided by the “private applicator” definition. The regulations created the following seven categories of commercial use based on occupation:

  • Regulatory Pest Control
  • Public Health Pest Control
  • Forest Pest Control
  • Ornamental/Turf pest Control
  • Industrial, Institutional and Health Related Pest Control
  • Right-Of-Way Pest Control
  • Agricultural Pest Control

Special Permits

Experimental Use Permit – Any person can apply to Guam EPA for an experimental use permit to get the information necessary to register a pesticide. An application for an experimental use permit may be filed at the time of, before or after an application for registration is filed.

Application by Air – Application of RUPs by aircraft requires a Special Permit issued by Guam EPA. All special permits must conform to all conditions and limitations required under the Guam Pesticides Regulation.

Federal Environmental Permits – Federal Environmental permits like Experimental Use Permits, Special Local Needs Registration and Emergency Exemption Permits, are enforced in coordination with U.S. EPA.

For more information, please contact the Guam EPA Pesticides Enforcement Program.

Links to Guam EPA laws

Links to Guam EPA regulations

Links to Guam EPA permits