PO Box 15004, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5004
Phone: (928) 523-0526
Fax: (928) 523-1266

2016 National Tribal Forum on Air Quality

May 17-19, 2016
Niagara Falls, New York

Hosted by: The Seneca Nation of Indians and The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe

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The National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTFAQ) provides an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas, and discuss current policies, regulatory initiatives, technical and outreach topics in air quality. The NTFAQ is coordinated by The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the National Tribal Air Association (NTAA) through funding from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
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Click here for a summary report on the 2016 NTFAQ

Click here for a slideshow of the 2016 NTFAQ

Click here for a short video of the Breath of Fresh Air Fun Run/Walk that took place at the 2016 NTFAQ

Check out ITEP's website to download presentations form the NTFAQ

The National Tribal Air Association is funded
through a grant from the United States
Environmental Protection Agency's
Office of Air & Radiation (OAR)

National Tribal Air Association • PO Box 15004 • Flagstaff, AZ 86011 • (928)523-0526 • (928)523-1266 (fax)