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Clean Energy Manufacturing Resources - Technology Maturation

Clean Energy Manufacturing Resources - Technology Maturation

Find resources to help you commercialize and market your clean energy technology or product. For technology maturation, areas to consider include regulations and standards; exporting; product testing or demonstration; energy-efficient product qualifications; and energy efficiency and performance improvements for plants.

For more resources, see the Clean Energy Manufacturing Federal Resource Guide.

Comply With Regulations and Standards

DOE Building Technologies Office: Appliance and Equipment Standards - minimum energy conservation standards for more than 50 categories of appliances and equipment.

DOE Energy Regulations & Compliance: Certification Templates – product-specific templates manufacturers must use to certify compliance with DOE prior to distributing a basic model to commerce in the United States and annually thereafter.

Export Product

BusinessUSA: Begin Exporting – a tool to help determine whether your company’s preparedness for exporting and find appropriate resources.

Improve Plant Energy Efficiency and Performance

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: Energy Resource Center – features free tools, trainings, and other resources for companies to improve energy efficiency and performance.

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard – a standard from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and proven approach for U.S. industrial and commercial facilities to plan, manage, measure, and continually improve energy performance.

Superior Energy Performance – a program—administered by DOE's Advanced Manufacturing Office—offering voluntary certification for companies that continually demonstrate improvement in energy efficiency.

DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: Energy Analysis - provides tools, maps, data, and publications relevant to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: Better Plants – a partnership program offering companies to demonstrate their commitment to energy savings by signing a voluntary pledge to reduce energy intensity by 25% over 10 years.

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: Energy Assessments – a service for evaluating a manufacturing plant’s energy use to evaluate the most cost-effective, energy-saving opportunities.

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: Industrial Assessment Centers –  called IACs, they provide no-cost energy assessments to eligible small- and medium-sized manufacturers.

DOE Industrial Distributed Energy: Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnerships – called CHP TAPs, they promote and assist in transforming the market for CHP, waste heat to power, and district energy technologies and concepts throughout the United States.

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: State Incentives and Resource Database – features information on rebates, grants, loans, assessments, and other incentives for implementing energy-saving projects in plants.

Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency - a comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States.

Support Workforce Development

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: Workforce Development and Training – features training opportunities and decision-support software tools.

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: Energy Education & Workforce Development – features resources that support the market deployment of technologies by focusing on developing and enhancing critical workforce skills, including a list of community colleges and certificate programs

DOE Better Buildings Workforce – an initiative that strives to make commercial and industrial buildings 20% more energy efficient by developing a skilled clean energy workforce.

DOE SunShot Initiative: Solar Career Map – explores the expanding variety of solar energy occupations.

CareerOneStop Business Center - a source for help hiring, training, and retaining a strong workforce.

Qualify Product for Energy-Efficient Listings

ENERGY STAR: Manufacturers Resources - information about how to join and qualify a product for the ENERGY STAR label.

Consortium for Energy Efficiency: CEE Tiers and ENERGY STAR – shows how CEE’s tiers for increasing energy performance correlate with the ENERGY STAR program.

DesignLights Consortium: How to Submit a Product – a step-by-step process for submitting a product to be added to its qualified products list.

Test or Demonstrate Product

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: Manufacturing Demonstration Facility – a collaborative manufacturing community that provides access to advanced physical and virtual tools for new technology demonstration.

DOE Building Technologies Office: Standards and Test Procedures – energy efficiency standards and test procedures for appliances and equipment.

ENERGY STAR: EPA-Recognized Certification Bodies and Laboratories – a database of labs and certification bodies (CBs), which you can search by location and product type.

DOE Building Technologies Office: Technology Demonstrations - DOE-supported demonstrations to assess technologies' energy performance, installation procedures, operations, and maintenance characteristics.

U.S. General Services Administration: Green Proving Ground - a program that leverages GSA's real estate portfolio to evaluate innovative sustainable building technologies.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Technology Verification Program - a public-private partnership between the EPA and nonprofit testing and evaluation organizations that verifies the performance of innovative technologies.

DOE Solid-State Lighting: CALiPER Testing Laboratories - a program that provides accurate and comparable data on LED products by arranging for reliable independent testing and data reporting of commercially available products.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Technology Performance Exchange – a portal for finding and sharing energy performance data for commercial building technologies.

Find Financing for Clean Energy Projects

Federal Finance Facilities Available for Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Clean Energy Deployment - lists various federal financing programs for which energy efficiency and clean energy qualify to make it easier for the private sector to find capital for energy efficiency and clean energy projects.

Find Regional, State, and Local Resources

Advanced Research Projects Agency: Regional Resource Map – identifies regional and national resources to help evaluate the market viability of technologies.

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: States and Local Communities – features a variety of state and local resources related to clean energy technologies.

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: Energy Analysis - provides tools, maps, data, and publications relevant to renewable energy.

Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency - comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States.