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Clean Energy Manufacturing Resources - Technology Feasibility

Clean Energy Manufacturing Resources - Technology Feasibility

Find resources to help you evaluate the feasibility of your idea for a new clean energy technology or product. For determining feasibility, areas to consider include U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) priorities, licensing, R&D funding, and strategic project partnerships.

For more resources, see the Clean Energy Manufacturing Federal Resource Guide.

Learn About U.S. Department of Energy Priorities

Advanced Manufacturing Office Plans - features information on analysis, plan implementations, and commercial outcomes.

Bioenergy Technologies Office Plans - includes technology roadmaps, multiyear program plans, analysis, and more.

Building Technologies Office Plans - includes multiyear program plans, technology roadmaps, and technology evaluations.

SunShot Vision Study - provides an in-depth assessment of the potential for solar technologies to meet a significant share of electricity demand in the United States during the next several decades.

Fuel Cell Technologies Office Plans - features strategic plans, technology roadmaps, multiyear program plans, analysis, and more.

Geothermal Technologies Office Plans– includes strategic plans, technology roadmaps, multiyear program plans, technology risk analysis, and more.

Vehicle Technologies Office Plans - features strategic plans, technology roadmaps, mulityear program plans, and more.

Wind Program Plans - includes strategic plans, multiyear program plans, technology risk analysis, and more.

Water Power Program Plans – includes technology reviews and more.

Obtain R&D Funding

Funding Resources by Agency

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Financial Opportunities – provides information on funding and grant opportunities as well as other types of financial assistance.

DOE Office of Science: Grants and Contracts Support – features funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) and information about its grant application process.

Advanced Research Projects Agency: Apply for Funding – provides information on funding opportunities, which are focused on overcoming specific technical barriers around a specific energy area.

Funding Resources by Technology Sector

DOE SunShot Initiative: Current Opportunities - lists current solicitations and funding opportunities for photovoltaic, concentrating solar power, and other solar technology projects.

DOE Wind Program: Financial Opportunities - lists current solicitations and funding opportunities for wind technology projects.

DOE Water Power Program: Financial Opportunities - lists active solicitations and funding opportunities for hydropower, and marine and hydrokinetic technology projects.

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: Active Solicitations - lists financial opportunity solicitations for manufacturers with regards to energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.

DOE Geothermal Technologies: Current Opportunities - lists active solicitations for geothermal technology projects.

DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office: Current Financial Opportunities - lists financial opportunity solicitations for hydrogen-related fuel cell technology projects.

DOE Vehicle Technologies Office: Active Solicitations - lists financial opportunity solicitations for a variety of vehicle technology projects.

DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office: Solicitations - lists active solicitations for bioenergy technology projects.

Start or Develop Your Business

U.S. Small Business Administration: Starting a Business - resources to help you learn about what it takes to start and manage a business.

License a Technology

DOE Energy Innovation Portal: Visual Patent Search – a tool designed to provide a facilitated search of U.S. patent applications and patents created through DOE funding.

U.S. Patent Office: Inventors Resources - assists independent inventors, small business concerns, and university-affiliated inventors through its Office of Innovation Development.

Find Strategic Project Partners

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Projects – a database of projects funded by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Partnership – features information on the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) and more.

DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office: State and Regional Partnerships - provides information on the office's partnerships with states, utilities, vendors, trade associations, and other stakeholders to drive energy efficiency investments.

DOE SunShot Initiative High Penetration Solar: Partnerships and Working Groups - lists national and international working groups established to accelerate the penetration on solar into the grid.

DOE Geothermal Technologies Office: Projects - listings of currently funded projects throughout the United States.

DOE Wind Program: Offshore Wind Research and Development -features technology development, market acceleration, and demonstration projects.