Inflow/Infiltration Toolbox References

Metropolitan Council Environmental Services

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Getting an I/I Reduction Program started

  • Sewer System Infrastructure Analysis and Rehabilitation Handbook, EPA, 1991
  • Wastewater Collection Systems Management, Manual of Practice No. 7, Water Environment Federation, 6th Edition, 2009
  • Control of Infiltration and Inflow in Private Building Sewer Connections – Monograph, Water Environment Federation, 5th Edition, 1999
  • Existing Sewer Evaluation & Rehabilitation, WEF manual of practice FD-6, ASCE Manual and report on engineering practice No. 62, 3rd Edition, 2009
  • Sewerage Risk Management, Web Site (subscription required)
  • Demonstration of Service Lateral Testing and Rehabilitation Techniques, EPA, 1985
  • Handbook for Sewer System Evaluation and Rehabilitation, EPA, 1975 EPA/430/9-75/021
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Department of Environmental Protection (January 1993). Guidelines for Performing Infiltration/Inflow Analysis.

Investigative techniques

Corrective actions - private property

Corrective actions - publicly owned sewers

Technical requirements references

City ordinances web sites